Wikio - Top Blogs - Religion and belief

Friday, 14 February 2025

Seen and Unseen: Stanley Spencer’s seen and unseen world

My latest article for Seen and Unseen is about Stanley Spencer’s seen and unseen world and the artist’s child-like sense of wonder as he saw heaven everywhere:

"Spencer’s biblical and symbolic images are primarily set within Cookham, as the village itself suggested settings for specific scenes to him. The Betrayal is set at the end of Spencer’s own garden where the distinctive buildings of the maltings can be seen in the background. The Last Supper is then set in those same maltings, while Sarah Tubb and the Heavenly Visitors is set in the garden of Sarah Tubb’s home on Cookham High Street. Through this means Spencer emphasises both the universality and particularity of the Bible’s stories, in that they can be reimagined or reenacted anywhere and in the humblest of settings.”

For more on Stanley Spencer see here. See herehere and here for my articles on artists, like Spencer, in the tradition of William Blake.

My first article for Seen and Unseen was 'Life is more important than art' which reviews the themes of recent art exhibitions that tackle life’s big questions and the roles creators take.

My second article 'Corinne Bailey Rae’s energised and anguished creative journey' explores inspirations in Detroit, Leeds and Ethiopia for Corinne Bailey Rae’s latest album, Black Rainbows, which is an atlas of capacious faith.

My third article was an interview with musician and priest Rev Simpkins in which we discussed how music is an expression of humanity and his faith.

My fourth article was a guide to the Christmas season’s art, past and present. Traditionally at this time of year “great art comes tumbling through your letterbox” so, in this article, I explore the historic and contemporary art of Christmas.

My fifth article was 'Finding the human amid the wreckage of migration'. In this article I interviewed Shezad Dawood about his multimedia Leviathan exhibition at Salisbury Cathedral where personal objects recovered from ocean depths tell a story of modern and ancient migrations.

My sixth article was 'The visionary artists finding heaven down here' in which I explored a tradition of visionary artists whose works shed light on the material and spiritual worlds.

My seventh article was 'How the incomer’s eye sees identity' in which I explain how curating an exhibition for Ben Uri Online gave me the chance to highlight synergies between ancient texts and current issues.

My eighth article was 'Infernal rebellion and the questions it asks' in which I interview the author Nicholas Papadopulos about his book The Infernal Word: Notes from a Rebel Angel.

My ninth article was 'A day, night and dawn with Nick Cave’s lyrics' in which I review Adam Steiner’s Darker With The Dawn — Nick Cave’s Songs Of Love And Death and explore whether Steiner's rappel into Cave’s art helps us understand its purpose.

My 10th article was 'Theresa Lola's poetical hope' about the death-haunted yet lyrical, joyful and moving poet for a new generation.

My 11th article was 'How to look at our world: Aaron Rosen interview', exploring themes from Rosen's book 'What Would Jesus See: Ways of Looking at a Disorienting World'.

My 12th article was 'Blake, imagination and the insight of God', exploring a new exhibition - 'William Blake's Universe at the Fitzwilliam Museum - which focuses on seekers of spiritual regeneration and national revival.

My 13th article 'Matthew Krishanu: painting childhood' was an interview with Matthew Krishanu on his exhibition 'The Bough Breaks' at Camden Art Centre.

My 14th article was entitled 'Art makes life worth living' and explored why society, and churches, need the Arts.

My 15th article was entitled 'The collective effervescence of sport's congregation' and explored some of the ways in which sport and religion have been intimately entwined throughout history

My 16th article was entitled 'Paradise cottage: Milton reimagin’d' and reviewed the ways in which artist Richard Kenton Webb is conversing with the blind poet in his former home (Milton's Cottage, Chalfont St Giles).

My 17th article was entitled 'Controversial art: how can the critic love their neighbour?'. It makes suggestions of what to do when confronted with contentious culture.

My 18th article was an interview entitled 'Art, AI and apocalypse: Michael Takeo Magruder addresses our fears and questions'. In the interview the digital artist talks about the possibilities and challenges of artificial intelligence.

My 19th article was entitled 'Dark, sweet and subtle: recovered music orientates us'. In the article I highlight alt-folk music seeking inspiration from forgotten hymns.

My 20th article was entitled 'Revisiting Amazing Grace inspires new songs'. In the article I highlight folk musicians capturing both the barbaric and the beautiful in the hymn Amazing Grace and Christianity's entanglement with the transatlantic slave trade more generally.

My 21st article was entitled 'James MacMillan’s music of tranquility and discord'. In the article I noted that the composer’s music contends both the secular and sacred.

My 22nd article was a book review on Nobody's Empire by Stuart Murdoch. 'Nobody's Empire: A Novel is the fictionalised account of how ... Murdoch, lead singer of indie band Belle and Sebastian, transfigured his experience of Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) through faith and music.'

My 23rd article was entitled 'Rock ‘n’ roll’s long dance with religion'. The article explores how popular music conjures sacred space.

My 24th article was an interview with Alastair Gordon on the artist’s attention which explores why the overlooked and everyday capture the creative gaze.


Wilder Woods - Light Shine In.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Creation: dominion vs responsibility

Here's the sermon I shared this morning at St Andrew’s Wickford:

Last week I led a funeral service for a wonderful lady whose passion through her life had been for animals and nature and who had worked in ecological conservation. I used a part of Genesis 1, the first account of creation found in the Bible – today we have heard part of the second account (Genesis 2.4-17). I used that reading in order to speak about that person’s ecological action but chose to read the passage in the version written by Eugene Peterson called The Message.

I did so because of a key difference in the translation of a key word. Many English translations of Genesis 1 states that human beings have been given dominion over the natural world. Dominion is generally understood to mean the right to govern or rule or determine. Those who have dominion are understood to possess the ability to wield force, authority, or influence, to direct and restrain, to make arbitrary decisions and compel obedience. As a result, humans having dominion over nature has generally been understood as meaning that we have the right and the ability to exploit natural resources and to shape nature to serve our needs. In other words, all the attitudes and actions that have led to the climate emergency.

Eugene Peterson resists that understanding of the relationship between human beings and the natural world by using a different translation. He writes of human beings being responsible for every living thing that moves on the face of the Earth:

God spoke: “Earth, generate life! Every sort and kind:
cattle and reptiles and wild animals—all kinds.”
And there it was:
wild animals of every kind,
Cattle of all kinds, every sort of reptile and bug.
God saw that it was good.

God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them
reflecting our nature
So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,
the birds in the air, the cattle,
And, yes, Earth itself,
and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.”

God created human beings;
he created them godlike,
Reflecting God’s nature.
He created them male and female.
God blessed them:
“Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”

That responsibility for, rather than dominion over, the natural world is what we also see in today’s reading from Genesis, where human beings are placed in the Garden of Eden in order to till it and keep it, or as The Living Bible says, to tend and care for it.

Later this year, we will be having a Stewardship month in which we will reflect on different aspects of stewardship as part of our response to the generosity of God towards us. One aspect of our stewardship involves stewardship of the natural world and its resources. Being a good steward means caring for and conserving the world in which we live and the resources within because to do otherwise selfishly uses up those resources for ourselves and alters the natural cycle of life in ways that harm the world and all that lives on it. We will, therefore, be encouraging all of us, as we have done previously, to look again at the actions we can take to show responsibility by caring for this world, rather than acting in ways that dominate and exploit the natural world.

The words we use have consequences and significant impacts, so we need to be careful about our use of words, including within scripture. The difference between domination of nature and responsible care for nature is immense, as is demonstrated by the climate emergency and the actions of those on opposing sides of the debate. Let us be those who seek to tend and care and keep the earth. Amen.


Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party, St Catherine’s Hall, Tuesday 4th March

Drop in between 2.30pm and 4pm or stay all afternoon and help raise funds for St Catherine’s restoration. £5 to include 2 pancakes and tea or coffee. There will also be a raffle. Sign-up sheet at the back of the church. Gluten free available on request. Names before 2nd March please.

Ash Wednesday: Our Eucharists with the imposition of ashes will be at 10.30 am in St Andrew's Wickford and 8.00 pm in St Mary's Runwell. All are welcome.

A five week course looking at journeys in the Bible. We are offering this course the week commencing 10th March. If you are interested in attending please let us know your preferences in order (1,2,3) and you will be allocated to a group. The options are Tuesdays at 7.30 pm, Thursdays at 2.00 pm, and Thursdays at 7.30 pm. If you are prepared to host a group please also let us know. Do you have any special requirements that need to be considered? Please let a member of the ministry team know.

The Bible is full of journeys made by people guided by God. Some are shorter and some are longer. All are transformational. Life is often thought of as a journey. There are high points and low points, paths where we travel swiftly and paths where we feel bogged down, there are some times when we feel like we have come to a dead end and some times when the future ahead looks far away. In this course we look at five particular biblical journeys and think about how the people involved might have felt, and what responses they evoke in us when we hear them. Do they remind us of our own journeys with God? 

  • Week 1: Abraham’s wanderings 
  • Week 2: The Exodus 
  • Week 3: Ruth and Naomi 
  • Week 4: Jesus journey to Jerusalem (based on St Luke’s gospel) 
  • Week 5: Paul’s missionary journeys (based on Acts)


Water Into Wine Band - Hill Climbing For Beginners.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Windows on the world (505)

Liverpool, 2024


Sam Phillips - How To Dream.


Coming to Christ and going on with Christ

Here's the sermon I shared at St Andrew's Wickford this morning:

Jesus teaches and demonstrates the abundance of God. People realise their need of God. Jesus calls them and they follow him with all their lives. This is a common pattern for many in coming to faith and also to baptism.

In this story (Luke 5.1-11), Jesus teaches from a boat, his demonstration of God’s abundance is in the amazing catch of fish after the fishermen had caught nothing during the night. Peter responds by saying, ‘Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!’ but Jesus calls him, and all those with him, including James and John, to follow him by giving them a task - ‘Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.’ They give their lives to him by leaving everything and following him.

Today, those being baptised are becoming part of this story as a result of the way God has been at work in their lives and in their family. Telling our stories of encountering God is a key part of preparing for baptism. Within this parish we use a course called Being With to enable people to share their stories and see how those connect with the story of salvation that we see in the Bible. Being With is a life changing way to help people explore the Christian faith because it helps people consider Christian faith in new and refreshing ways, without needing prior knowledge, but a simple willingness to share what you do know or feel. 

However, baptism isn’t just about coming to God, it is also about going on with God, recognising that we all have God-given gifts and talents that we can use in his service and God-given tasks that only we can do for him. That’s why when Jesus called him disciples, he also gave them a task to fulfil – to be fishers of people; those who share the good news of God with others and bring them into the family of God.

That is why, after our baptism candidates have been baptised, there is a part of the baptism liturgy called the Commission in which they will be asked: Will you proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ? Will you seek and serve Christ in all people, loving your neighbour as yourself? They will reply, With the help of God, I will. Each of us is also called to serve God by using our gifts and talents in his service and by taking on specific tasks to bring into being signs of the kingdom of God in our time and our communities.

So, first we need to identify our particular gifts and talents, then get practice and support in using them, and ask God’s guidance on the tasks and roles he wants us to fulfil. Later this year, we will be organising a Stewardship Month to encourage all of us in the Parish to reflect on the various ways in which we can use our time, talents and treasure in God’s service. Each of us has special qualities, skills and talents. How could your talents and gifts be used more fully for the work of God through St Andrew’s? Each of us has time, talents and treasure which could be given out of gratitude and to help this church. Will you help in some way? Can you use your gifts to share in God’s plan for his kingdom and for the work of ministry here at St Andrew’s?

Could you offer your time and talents for tasks such as Administering Communion, Contemplative Commuters, Campaigning on issues, Children’s work, MU Committee, Choir member, Musician, DCC member, Odd jobs, Committee member, Painting & decorating, Church officer, PCC member, Cleaning, Toddler Group helper, Coffee Morning helper, Prayer for others, Reading the Bible in church, Sidesperson, among other tasks? I encourage you to reflect on how you use your gifts and talents currently and whether you could give us of your talents in new ways out of gratitude to God and to help this church.

Ministry belongs to the whole people of God. Every person, because of their baptism, has a ministry. We must nurture an expectation in our churches that every Christian gives expression to this ministry in their daily life and in their participation in the life of the Church. To see our churches grow and flourish there needs to be a huge flourishing of lay ministry here including youth and children’s workers, authorised preachers, pastoral visitors and evangelists.

Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God's work. We need look no further than the disciples Jesus called whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary people - fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots - and turned their weaknesses into strengths. Jesus had a large number of followers including women as well as men and those who remained at home to support those who were on the road with Jesus, as each of us have different circumstances and different roles to play.

John McArthur writes, ‘What we know to be true about Jesus is that He chose [those who were] ordinary and unrefined … They were the commonest of the common. They were from rural areas, farmers, and fisherman. Christ purposely passed over the elite, aristocratic, and influential … and chose mostly … from the dregs of society. That’s how it has always been in God’s economy. He exalts the humble and lays low those who are proud.’

All such were chosen, trained and used by Jesus. Even those who were in the background as disciples were valuable team members. This was so despite their personal failings and failures. None of those things were barriers to being called by Jesus, trained and used by him. That remains true for each of us.

Realising that God loved me unconditionally and as I was, with my shyness and reserve, was key to finding my way through life and using the mix of gifts, skills and interests I developed. Like Jesus’ disciples I wasn’t an obvious candidate to be called to ministry. But none of us are; that’s the beauty of the way God values each person as a unique creation, calling us to be with him so that, over time, our gifts, skills and interests are all utilised in his company.

As Rick Warren has said: ‘God has given you unique abilities, talents, and gifts … If you think your talents are simply for you to make a lot of money, retire, and die, you’ve missed the point of your life. God gave you talents to benefit others, not yourself. And God gave other people talents that benefit you … We’re all a part of the body of Christ, and each part matters. There are no insignificant people in the family of God. You are shaped to serve God, and he is testing you to see how you are going to use the talents he gave you. Whether you are a musician or an accountant, a teacher or a cook, God gave you those abilities to serve others … You are a manager of the gifts God has given to you.’ May it be so for each one of us. Amen.


Joy Oladokun - Dust/Divinity.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

St Mary with St Leonard Broomfield: Thomas Huxley-Jones and Gwynneth Holt

Today, I gave a talk at Broomfield Parish Church about Thomas Bayliss Huxley-Jones and Gwynneth Holt, two of the Broomfield artists who, along with Rosemary Rutherford, created artworks for many churches in the area covered by the Diocese of Chelmsford in the twentieth century. 

Some of the works I included in the talk were the following:

Given the amount of work by the Broomfield artists within the area covered by the Diocese of Chelmsford, I suggested that it might be possible to create an art trail around the Diocese as a way to highlight their contribution to the churches of the Diocese. Such a trail would begin at Broomfield Parish Church with the artworks the, the graves of Rutherford, Huxley-Jones and Holt in the churchyard, and the wonderful Rutherford exhibition, but would then take those following the trail around the Diocese to demonstrate the importance to the churches of the Diocese of these three Broomfield artists.  

Broomfield in Essex became a village of artists following the arrival of Revd John Rutherford in 1930. His daughter, the artist Rosemary Rutherford, also moved with them and made the vicarage a base for her artwork including paintings and stained glass. Then, Gwynneth Holt and Thomas Bayliss Huxley-Jones moved to Broomfield in 1949 where they shared a large studio in their garden and both achieved high personal success. My poem 'Broomfield', part of my 'Five Trios' series, reviews their stories, work, legacy and motivations.

For more on the artists of Broomfield, all of whom are commemorated there with blue plaques, see here, here, here, here and here.


Bono, The Edge & Friends - Invisible.

International Times: Breaking Lines

My latest exhibition review to be published by International Times is on Breaking Lines, a two-part exhibition at the Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art which focuses first on ‘Futurism and the Origins of Experimental Poetry’ and second on ‘Dom Sylvester Houédard and Concrete Poetry in Post-war Britain’:

"dsh, a Benedictine monk and noted theologian, used a standard Olivetti Lettera 22 typewriter to create ‘typestracts’ ‘consisting of abstract patterns or shapes, employing typewritten characters to generate precise, free-floating geometric forms’. Several of the typestracts shown here include ‘spiritual ladders’, which Nicola Simpson has noted ‘characterise so many of the typestracts’ because, as dsh states in his ecumenical writings, ‘[the] ladder is our life of contemplation’. dsh’s works often relate to apophatic theology, as Adams explains when he writes that a ‘characteristic of his work can be seen as attempts to express the ineffable, or to represent spiritual experiences that were unable to be fully articulated by more conventional means’."

My earlier pieces for IT are an interview with the poet Chris Emery, an interview with Jago Cooper, Director of the the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, plus reviews of: albums by Joy Oladokun and Michael Kiwanaku; Nolan's Africa by Andrew Turley; Mavis Staples in concert at Union Chapel; T Bone Burnett's 'The Other Side' and Peter Case live in Leytonstone; Helaine Blumenfeld's Together exhibition, What Is and Might Be and then Otherwise by David Miller; 'Giacometti in Paris' by Michael Peppiatt, the first Pissabed Prophet album - 'Zany in parts, moving in others, you’ll be hard pressed to find a more unusual, inspired & profound album this year. ‘Pissabed Prophet’ will thrill, intrigue, amuse & inspire' - and 'Religion and Contemporary Art: A Curious Accord', a book which derives from a 2017 symposium organised by the Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art.

Several of my short stories have been published by IT including three about Nicola Ravenscroft's EarthAngel sculptures (then called mudcubs), which we exhibited at St Andrew's Wickford in 2022. The first story in the series is 'The Mudcubs and the O Zone holes'. The second is 'The Mudcubs and the Clean-Up King', and the third is 'The mudcubs and the Wall'. My other short stories to have been published by International Times are 'The Black Rain', a story about the impact of violence in our media, 'The New Dark Ages', a story about principles and understandings that are gradually fading away from our modern societies, and 'The curious glasses', a story based on the butterfly effect.

IT have also published several of my poems, beginning with The ABC of creativity, which covers attention, beginning and creation, Also published have been three poems from my 'Five Trios' series. 'Barking' is about St Margaret’s Barking and Barking Abbey and draws on my time as a curate at St Margaret's. 'Bradwell' is a celebration of the history of the Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall, the Othona Community, and of pilgrimage to those places. Broomfield in Essex became a village of artists following the arrival of Revd John Rutherford in 1930. His daughter, the artist Rosemary Rutherford, also moved with them and made the vicarage a base for her artwork including paintings and stained glass. Then, Gwynneth Holt and Thomas Bayliss Huxley-Jones moved to Broomfield in 1949 where they shared a large studio in their garden and both achieved high personal success. 'Broomfield' reviews their stories, work, legacy and motivations.


H.I.F. von Biber - Crucifixion from the Mystery Sonatas.