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Friday 19 July 2024

Church Times: Enid Chadwick brought colour to the Shrine

My latest article for Church Times is about the artist Enid Chadwick, whose painting 'The Baptism of Christ' hangs in St Mary's Runwell:

'ST MARY’s, Runwell, is the most historic and Anglo-Catholic of the three churches in the Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry, where I minister. The unusual but beautiful interior of St Mary’s — principally the result of decisions made by a collection of interesting former incumbents — is enhanced by a large painting, The Baptism of Our Lord, behind the font.

With its flat, outlined style and use of gold leaf, this image has the feel of an icon. Christ is seen in the waters of the Jordan, depicted as a cleft in the rock, a reminder of God’s provision of water to the Israelites in the wilderness. Christ is framed by John the Baptist on the left, angels on the right, and, above, the hand of God the Father and the dove of the Spirit.'

For more about artworks in the Parish of Wickford and Runwell click here and for more about artworks in the Basildon Deanery here.

Other of my pieces for Church Times can be found here. My writing for ArtWay can be found here. My pieces for Artlyst are here, those for Seen & Unseen are here, and those for Art+Christianity are here.


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