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Saturday 15 June 2024

Quiet Day: Faith Pictures


We've had a wonderful Quiet Day today at St Mary's Runwell reflecting on faith journeys and faith pictures. We've been reflecting on key moments in our lives and faith and thinking of ways to picture what we have experienced and learnt. It has been a very moving time for which we thank Gail and Stephen who led us throughout the day. We ended with a Eucharist in which our reflections were offered back to God.

Faith Pictures is a free resource from Church Army to help Christians of all traditions talk about their own story of faith with confidence. Faith Pictures is six sessions long, each one building on the last to help Christians to see where God has been present in their lives, how they can talk about that confidently, and how God is active in the world around us and wants us to join in with Him.

Today, we looked at our own journeys, where and how we have been aware of God, and how we might start to think about the shape of that journey. We also created images that helped sum up our own faith journey.


The Accompany - Beside The Still Waters.

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