Wikio - Top Blogs - Religion and belief

Thursday 6 June 2024

Quiet Day – Faith Pictures

Quiet Day – Faith Pictures: Saturday 15 June, 10.30 am - 3.30 pm, St Mary's Runwell.
Helps us see where God has been present in our lives, how we can talk about that confidently, and how God is active in the world around us and wants us to join in with Him. The focus will be on Traveller’s Tales and Talking Pictures. Led by Gail and Stephen.

Reflect in the magnificent mediaeval building that is St Mary’s Runwell, and relax in its beautiful churchyard. St. Mary’s is often described by visitors and by regular worshippers as a powerful sacred space to which they have been drawn. Experience this yourself, while also exploring its art and heritage.

Cost: £8.00 per person, including sandwich lunch (pay on the day)

To book contact / 07803 562329.


 U2 - A Celebration.

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