Wikio - Top Blogs - Religion and belief

Sunday, 17 December 2017

commission4mission's Christmas newslette

commission4mission's e-news for Christmas has recently been sent out. Our thanks to Victoria Norton. Please enjoy looking over our forthcoming exhibitions and past events. In this newsletter we feature Victoria Norton, Clorinda Goodman and Judy Goring.  

We have welcomed several new artists to commission4mission this year, there are more included in this newsletter (Susan Latchford, Dorothy Morris and Lucy Crabtree) and more to come in our next issue.

Our artists have had a busy year exhibiting and making during 2017. Please visit our artists on their websites or in their studios for last minute Christmas gifts, purchasing and commissioning, or just because you are interested in the work they produce.


Jeff Lynne's ELO - All Over the World.

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