Wikio - Top Blogs - Religion and belief

Thursday, 20 November 2008

'Art & Christianity' No. 56

The Winter 2008 issue of Art & Christianity has been published and includes:
  • Guest editorial: Richard Cork on Francis Bacon;
  • Stephen Cox and Stephen Bann in coversation;
  • Letter from Paris: RenĂ©e Moineau;
  • Margaret Garlake on Anthony Caro's 'Chapel of Light';
  • Reviews of Tracy Emin, Chagall, Rothko, Ana Maria Pacheco, Russian Vibes;
  • Book reviews on Victorian Art, the Theological Aesthetics of von Balthasar; and
  • Plus plus Paul Bayley interviews Canon Martin Warner, St Paul's Cathedral, London.

The review of Ana Maria Pacheco's exhibition is one of mine.

ACE are also currently advertising Icons of the absence of God: An ACE/King's College symposium on Rothko and spirituality, 10am-5pm, 24 January 2009 at King’s College, Strand, London WC2.

Does Rothko offer consolation to a godless world? Where lies the enigma of Rothko’s paintings?
To coincide with the major exhibition of Mark Rothko’s work at Tate Modern, this symposium will critically review different interpretations of these works, and how they speak to their social and cultural context, from the perspectives of cultural history, neuro-science, art history and theology.


Stravinsky - Symphony of Psalms I. Psalm 38.

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