Wikio - Top Blogs - Religion and belief

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Pressure on Portugal

Negotiation on trade agreements between the European Union (EU) and some of the world's poorest countries are at a critical stage, as the EU tries to get the agreements signed before the end of the year.

The EU promised that any new trade deal would prioritise sustainable development, but right now the texts on the table put the EU's own interests above those of millions of the world's poorest people and their environment.

Portugal has now taken over the Presidency of the EU from Germany and many Non-Governmental Organisations want Portugese Prime Minister, Jose Socrates to know that trade could lift millions of people out of poverty if the rules helped farming and industry in poor countries to grow sustainably. Your voice can make a difference. Time is running out to stop Europe's unfair trade deals. Take action now.

Join campaigners from across Europe and send a message to the president of the EU, Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates asking him to listen to the concerns of poor nations and use his influence to make these trade agreements fair.

Click here to email Jose Socrates.

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