Wikio - Top Blogs - Religion and belief

Friday, 14 March 2025

Church Times - Art review: Cloud of Witnesses at St John’s, Waterloo

My latest exhibition review for Church Times is on the Cloud of Witnesses Interfaith Art Exhibition at St John's Waterloo:

'THE exhibition “Cloud of Witnesses” is essentially predicated on the belief that there are a multitude of different images of God because God is infinite and cannot be defined or definitively depicted. From a Christian perspective, the title, taken from the Epistle to the Hebrews, is stretched to include the witness of other faiths to the nature of God. For this exhibition, the Old Crypt of St John’s, Waterloo, in London, becomes the cloud in which these diverse witnesses are held.'

For more on: Michael Takeo Magruder see here, here, and here; Richard Kenton Webb see here, here, and here; and Sophie Hacker - see here and here.

Other of my pieces for Church Times can be found here. My writing for ArtWay can be found here. My pieces for Artlyst are here, those for Seen & Unseen are here, and those for Art+Christianity are here.


Bruce Cockburn - Us All.

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