Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Going Deeper

“Blessed are those … who delight in the law of the LORD and meditate on his law day and night. They are like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither …” Psalm 1

Psalm 1 says that when we delight in God’s Word and meditate on it day and night then we are like a tree with strong roots getting all the sustenance it needs and therefore staying healthy and producing good fruit. It is a picture of how God wants us to be.

So, how can we go deeper into our faith, putting down strong roots? Well, here at St John’s we want to help and have a range of ways in which we can grow more deeply in our faith. Different approaches at different times hopefully mean that there is something for everyone.

Getting started

START or Alpha courses - at St John’s we are happy to run short getting started courses like Alpha and the START course at a time and place to suit those that are interested. These courses cover the basics of the Christian faith and give plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions. Just let one of the staff team (Jonathan, Jean or Geoff) know if you would like to do one of these courses.

Baptism & Confirmation – Baptism and Confirmation are the two big moments when people are able to say publicly that they want to live as Christians. At least once a year we will run a course specifically preparing for baptism and/or confirmation. Ask the staff team for the dates of the next course.

Going deeper

Advent/Lent courses – each year we run courses in the Advent and Lent seasons looking at a particular aspect of Christian faith. Often these are shared with other churches in the Seven Kings Fellowship of Churches. Ask the staff team for details of the next course.

Going Deeper services – the Evening Service on the second Sunday of each month is a ‘Going Deeper’ service. At this service there will be a more in-depth talk or presentation combined with discussion and questions; all set within the context of worship.

Homegroups – St John’s currently has five homegroups each meeting fortnightly for bible study, discussion and prayer. Small groups give a great opportunity for asking the questions you have always wanted answers to and receiving support from others in exploring faith. Our housegroups meet fortnightly.

Quiet Days/Prayer Walks – Quiet Days combine meditations and reflections with time for stillness and prayer. Prayer Walks are an opportunity to pray for our area while walking around a part of the Parish. We alternate these events on an annual basis; one year having several quiet days and the next going on four Prayer Walks to cover our whole Parish in prayer.

Websites & blogs – St John’s has its own website and MyChurch site plus blogs written by Huw & Helen’s homegroup and by me, as Vicar. As well as providing information and ideas, these sites give the opportunity to leave comments and start conversations on different topics. The sites can be found at:

Work-based email group – people in this group receive a weekly email with a short work-based reflection and prayer plus brief information about a resource for Christians in the workplace. To join the group send an email to


Delirious? - Deeper.

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