Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Art & Imagery - Three Faiths Forum

I'll be speaking on Christian Art at the next meeting of the East London Three Faiths Forum. The meeting topic is Art and Imagery: Thou shalt make no graven images. We will be discussing the prohibition of images in Judaism and Islam and the absence of this prohibition in Christianity.

Light refreshments will be provided, plus the friendship for which the East London Three Faiths Forum is becoming famous. The meeting will be held at South Woodford Mosque on Thursday 17th July at 8.00pm. South Woodford Mosque is found within a stone-throw from South Woodford Station, on the corner of Primrose and Mulberry Road. The main busses are 179 and W14. South Woodford Station is on the Central Line, Epping fork.


Neil Young: The Believer.


  1. Hi Jonathan, interested to see your song choice for today was Neil Young's The Believer. I've just posted a review of him at The Hop Farm Festival on Sunday night and he was 'most excellent'.
    Re:Art & Imagery, will you be exploring why Christianity changed its position on this and why Judaism and Islam have resisted this?

  2. Hi Philip, reading your review brought that song to mind. I've enjoyed Young's work for quite a while - at least since 'Rust nver sleeps' and then investigating the back catalogue. 'Freedom' and 'Harvest Moon' are among my favourites.

    Re: Art & Imagery, I'll be explaining why I think the doctrine of the incarnation is key to the use of representation in Christian visual art and then showing some milestones in Christian visual art that show how practice and understanding have changed over the years, including the modern return to non-representational art through the development of abstract art. The other two speakers will discuss the effect of the prohibition on Islamic and Jewish visual arts.

  3. I'm quite upset that I shall not be able to attend the event as I'm at Thames View Lodge on a Thursday evening - it sounds most interesting - will you be doing the same talk anywhere else?

  4. We're planning to have an art workshop at St John's on the Saturday of our Patronal Weekend (first weekend in October) through the Barking Programme. I am thinking I might repeat the talk then as part of the introduction to that day. There will also be an art exhibition in church throughout that weekend and an opening night reception on the Friday evening. You'd be very welcome to come to any of all of that.

  5. Hello!

    I'll be joining you & the Imam in that talk. I'm looking forward to meeting you both very much.

    Blessings to you.

  6. I'll look forward to meeting you too. Thanks for visiting the blog.

    Best wishes,

