Saturday, 2 November 2024

Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry Autumn church and community events

This autumn we've had a series of great church and community events and series in the Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry. These have included:

Exhibition: 'Trials and Tribulations: Modern Interpretations of Iconography', 13 September to 20 December 2024, St Andrew’s Church - 11 London Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AN. The arts programme at St Andrew's Wickford has continued in the autumn with an exhibition by Leigh-on-Sea-based artist John Paul Barrett called 'Trials and Tribulations'. The exhibition runs from 13 September to 20 December 2024 at St Andrew's Wickford. John Paul Barrett specialises in mixed media paintings, using acrylics and oil pastels on paintings that range from symbolism to landscapes and portraits. This exhibition focuses on his modern interpretations of Eastern European religious iconography. More information about him and his work can be found at

Basildon Heritage displays - we have shown two heritage displays prepared by Basildon Heritage. Following on from our Unveiled talk about Depeche Mode, 'Sounds of Basildon' is on the Basildon music scene over the year's. The other display, linked to our Local History Day, was on 'Wickford's churches'.

Underfret gave us a great fundraising concert at St Andrew's Wickford. Underfret are a six-piece ukulele band, playing music from the 1960's onward - Their concert raised funds for St Catherine’s Wickford (where subsidence has caused cracks in the walls requiring underpinning).

A joint Eucharist for all our three congregations included a guest preacher from A Rocha. A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working to protect and restore the natural world and committed to equipping Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment. Our preacher was Rev Andy Jowitt, Community Engagement Officer for A Rocha's Foxearth Meadows nature reserve. View the service at

Difference Course - we ran this course which “explores what it means to follow Jesus in a complex and divided world, seeing transformation through everyday encounters”. Each week included films of stories from Christians facing conflict, Bible study, interactive exercises, prayer and discussion. RLN Difference is a part of the Reconciling Leaders Network. Archbishop of Canterbury’s Reconciliation Ministry.

Our Quiet Day at St Catherine's on The 7 S’s of the Nazareth Community enabled participants to consider Silence, Sacrament, Scriptures, Service, Sharing, Sabbath, and Staying as a personal Rule of Life. The Nazareth Community is based at St Martin-in-the-Fields and its growth through the Companions of Nazareth. 

Our Local History Day at St Catherine’s Church enabled those attending to view our registers (baptisms, weddings, burials etc,), meet re-enactors from the Napoleonic Association, see a display on Wickford’s churches from Basildon Heritage, tour the church and churchyard, take part in a Scavenger Hunt, support our fundraising appeal, and enjoy refreshments in our Church Hall. Visitors saw our: Commonwealth War Graves; War Memorial for Wickford; William Butterfield reredos; 15th century font; Medieval chancel ceiling; and Stained glass commemorating local characters.

There were substantial Harvest donations and displays at our three churches. A lovely Harvest Service was also held at St Catherine's Wickford for Wickford Church of England School. The very generous harvest donations went to the Food Bank in Wickford - .

Our latest art workshop for children from Abacus Primary School also took place at St Andrew's. Current exhibiting artist John Paul Barrett showed the children his paintings and shared the early stages of his work: drawing with a grid; using a wash to create areas of light and dark; and mixing a gel to create texture.

Our first Craft Fayre was held at St Andrew's in October and proved very popular. A wide range of handmade crafts from a variety of different stalls were available, along with refreshments. 


Underfret - Hallelujah.

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