Saturday, 4 March 2023

Open Mic Night and Quiet Day

We had a great time last night at our Unveiled Open Mic Night in St Andrew's Wickford with a large number of performers taking part. There was spoken word and song, poetry and music. The poets included Tim Harrold, who also read at our first Open Mic Night, and whose practice includes poetry, photography and assemblage. Among the musicians was Dave Crawford, who often plays with Kev Butler, and who played a stunning new song entitled 'Revelations'. Tim Harrold rightly described Dave as a revelation and a fellow ‘channeller’ of the Zimmer Man vibe with the rich expansive tone of his 12 string and the folky minstrel voice of one who’s just emerged from the great north woods. 

Our thanks to John and Liz Rogers for all their work in organising this Open Mic Night. Click here for more information on their Open Mic Nights. 

Our next Unveiled event is St Martins Voices in concert on Friday 17 March, 7.00 PM, St Andrew's Wickford.

We enjoyed a lovely Quiet Day on Christian Mindfulness today at St Mary's Runwell led by Emma Doe. Christian mindfulness is the art of embracing all moments of life with acceptance and curiosity. We explored the beauty of being present to God, to ourselves, and to others through a series of Christian mindfulness exercises. Among the exercises we used was a colouring exercise reminding us to be strong and courageous for the Lord, your God, is with you.

Our next Quiet Days at St Mary's will be on Wednesday 31 May (Creation) and Saturday 1 July (Poetry and Prayer). To book: Phone 07803 562329 or email


Kev Butler and Dave Crawford - Revelations.

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