Saturday, 4 March 2023

International Times: 'The Mudcubs and the Clean-Up King'

International Times, the Magazine of Resistance, have just published my short story entitled 'The Mudcubs and the Clean-Up King'

This story is the first of three about Nicola Ravenscroft's mudcub sculptures, which we exhibited at St Andrew's Wickford last Autumn. The first story in the series is 'The Mudcubs and the O Zone holes.' 

I have been writing a range of pieces (stories, poems and reflections) in response to Nicola's works. Click here for a poem published by Stride Magazine that was inspired by Nicola's series of 'in the language of angels' images, here for my Artlyst interview with Nicola, and here for an ArtWay Visual Meditation on her work.

My other short stories to have been published by International Times are The New Dark Ages, a story about principles and understandings that are gradually fading away from our modern societies and The curious glasses, a story based on the butterfly effect.


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