Sunday, 12 February 2023

Artlyst: The Art Diary February 2023

My February Diary for Artlyst has a focus on Essex with mention of Big Women at FirstsiteLaura Jean Healey at Big Screen Southend, Liz Magor at Focal Point GalleryBridget Smith: Field Recordings, Claire Cansick at Chappel Galleries, and the Well House Gallery:

'BIG WOMEN is bold, brash and brazen, as is needed to embrace the oversized and curvaceous nature of the crescent-shaped Firstsite building. Yet, the variety and diversity found within this exhibition means it is by no means only a one-trick pony, with sensuality and spirituality, as well as satire, also be found in the mix. The main galleries begin and end with fashion statements from Pam Hogg and Yoko Brown. Hogg’s Prophecy began with an altar cloth from an Italian church which, amid its many embellishments, asks the question, ‘Will there be a morning / Will there be a mourning’. Brown’s dress, by contrast, simply turns its wearer into a flower. Merilyn Humphries and Renata Adela create new and positive images of Eve and Lillith, while also exploring Eden and Christmas (Humphries) and death (Adala). Rachel Howard’s St Veronica Reads the News has been well described by Craig Burnett as “a veil applied and withdrawn from the world’s anxious brow”, anguish “transformed into a kind of beauty, or understanding, by becoming a picture.”'

My other pieces for Artlyst are:

Interviews -
Monthly diary articles -
Articles/Reviews -

Emmylou Harris - Deeper Well.

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