Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Artlyst: Surveying New Exhibitions With A Spiritual Twist January 2023 Art Diary

My January diary for Artlyst surveys current & upcoming exhibitions at the turn of the year to find evidence of the breadth and depth of the past and present engagement between art and spirituality. Includes: Nick Cave; M.K Čiurlionis; Samson Kambalu; Kamala Ibrahim Ishag; Sin; Marya Kazoun; Korakrit Arunanondchai; The Blind Jesus; Zayn Qahtani; Peter Callesen; Maja Lisa Engelhardt; Mike Nelson; Souls Grown Deep like the Rivers; The Rossettis; Hilma Af Klint and Piet Mondrian; Saint Francis of Assisi; Peter Howson; Paula Rego; and Pesellino: A Renaissance Master Revealed:

'Surveying current and upcoming exhibitions at the turn of the year provides evidence of the breadth and depth of the past and present engagement between art and spirituality ...

From renaissance altarpieces to sci-fi installations via an international collection of artists drawn from across the ages and works influenced by Christianity, humanism, shamanism, spiritualism, theosophy, and Zār, means that a breadth of exploration characterises the engagement between art and spirituality to be experienced in 2023.'

My other pieces for Artlyst are:

Interviews -
Monthly diary articles -
Articles/Reviews -

Nick Cave - Fireflies.

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