Saturday, 7 September 2019

The Quality of Mercy

I wanted to let you know about the exciting Autumn Lecture Series 2019 at St Martin-in-the-Fields: The Quality of Mercy and invite you to attend any of the lectures that you are able to.

In a time of increasing conflict, division and blame this series will explore the concept of mercy in our world today and what part it needs to play in issues of race, equality, truth and justice and how literature, music, poetry and drama can help shift perspectives and help us see the wider world through others’ eyes. In this series St Martin’s brings together renowned writers, artists, theologians and speakers to address how and if we can discover a mercy that will lead to a deeper humanity and true transformation. The lectures will be followed by the chance to ask questions and a reception in the cafĂ© in the crypt for further discussion.

For those able to attend we look forward to welcoming you and those you know who may be interested in coming. It is free and open to all and you can reserve a place with Eventbrite:

In addition, as we did last year, all the lectures are being professionally filmed and will be uploaded to the St Martin’s YouTube channel soon after the event has taken place. This is intended to enable churches unable to attend to use the series as part of their own programming. We will also prepare an accompanying study guide for the Lecture Series. In the guide, each lecture will have a Bible passage for reflection, and some wondering discussion points, to enable individuals, as well as groups, to engage with the lecture. We hope that you will be able to use these resources in your own churches and different contexts, so that more than just those who come each evening, are able to benefit from this excellent line up of speakers.

For those able to come to St Martin's there is also the opportunity to see our accompanying exhibition. In a world where retaliation and revenge grab all the headlines, The F Word: Stories of Forgiveness Exhibition tells the stories of people whose lives have been shattered by violence, tragedy and injustice and who are learning to forgive, reconcile or move on. The exhibition is the brainchild of British journalist Marina Cantacuzino and photographer Brian Moody who have collected numerous accounts from across the globe. The exhibition has been seen in more than 550 venues, across 14 countries, to an audience of over 70,000 people.

The F Word aims to open up a dialogue and promote understanding. The Forgiveness Project believes that by listening to the voices of people who have experienced reconciliation and renewal after trauma and unrest, it is possible to see alternatives to endless cycles of conflict, violence, crime and injustice. The remarkable stories in The F Word aim to do just this. See for more information.

We also have a wonderful programme and great contributors lined up for the annual HeartEdge conference, which is in Edinburgh on 2 and 3 October. 'On Earth as it is in Heaven' features US theologian Winnie Varghese and Asset-based community worker Cormac Russell. Our two-day gathering of the HeartEdge community includes Sam Wells delivering the annual Chalmers Lecture series.

Arrive for the evening of 1 October for Sam’s lecture on ‘Entertaining Angels Unawares: It is More Blessed to Receive’. The two-day intensive then starts the following morning on 2 October prioritising practical input, ideas and resources. We’ve kept costs down and there’s a subsidised rate for HeartEdge members – we hope you’ll make it along. Register here for members rates. More details here, here and here.

Advance news regarding resources is that an additional Inspired to Follow Advent Course (Advent Wreath characters) will be added this Autumn, with a Lent Course (Who is my Neighbour?) following in the New Year. More information about these new resources will follow shortly. See for the current Inspired to Follow resources. Other future HeartEdge events will be in Milton Keynes and Norwich.


Marvin Gaye - Mercy, Mercy Me.

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