Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Foyer Display: Lois Bentley

The changing monthly display by the artists' and craftspeople's group in the Foyer of the Crypt at St Martin-in-the-Fields for September is by Lois Bentley. Each month a different member of the group or artists linked to it will show examples of their work, so do look regularly to see the changing display.

Lois writes: ‘Held in the Gaze is a film concept that asks through whose eyes the story is being told. I have taken that thought and imagined who we are when held in the Creator’s Gaze – a beloved one in whom He delights. Specifically the artwork responds to a recent sermon on Luke ch11v2 when Jesus was asked to teach the disciples to pray. In the sermon we were invited to consider the Lord’s Prayer as a gift in response to two underlying fears (1) Do I live a purposeless existence, in a random world in a meaningless universe that will implode? (2) I feel so vulnerable , frightened and alone and life could go down the plug-hole at any moment.

This work speaks into those fears. It imagines that God is the one behind the lens and all that I am is coming into focus in three strips of film held up to dry in a photographic darkroom.’


Switchfoot - All I Need.

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