Saturday, 21 March 2015

United Guilds Service

The 73rd Service of the United Guilds of the City of London saw representatives of the Livery Companies pack St Pauls Cathedral today for a service to mark the work of the Livery Companies in the City of London. London’s 110 livery companies, the oldest of which trace their history back to medieval times, are today groups of men and women committed to charitable giving for schools, crafts, training, almshouses and much more besides.

The Bishop of Salisbury, Nick Holtam, preached an excellent sermon which praised the wealth creation and philanthropy of the City whilst questioning the size of wage differentials in the City, in particular by comparison to the 4:1 ratio used by the Quakers at Friends House.

Following the Service I enjoyed lunch at Drapers Hall. Founded over 600 years ago, the Drapers’ Company is incorporated by Royal Charter and is one of the Twelve Great Livery Companies in the City of London. The Drapers’ Company today actively supports carefully selected charitable causes. Much of their work concentrates on enabling young people to pursue educational qualifications, rise above social exclusion, and reach their full potential. They also focus on helping those in need or experiencing hardship through support of organisations working with the homeless, older people, disabled people and prisoners. The Company has been restoring links with its ancient heritage through support for technical textiles and textile conservation, heritage and the arts, and projects in areas of Northern Ireland.


John Ireland - Greater Love.

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