Friday, 20 March 2015

Passiontide and Holy Week

In addition to our regular Tuesday lunchtime music recitals and Friday lunchtime organ recitals, the following will also take place at St Stephen Walbrook during the final weeks of Lent and into Passiontide and Holy Week:

Stations of the Cross

A set of Stations of the Cross by the noted religious artist Henry Shelton, previously displayed at York Minister, will be displayed at St Stephen Walbrook from Monday 23rd March until Saturday 4th April. These are available during church opening hours for personal prayer and reflection but I will also lead us in praying the Stations at 2.00pm on Thursday 26th March and Thursday 2nd April.

In addition on those same Thursdays, two multi-media meditation series of the Stations of the Cross will be shown as a looped projection between 11.00am and 3.00pm. These feature images by Henry Shelton together with my own meditations and are, again, made available for personal prayer and reflection. Should you be unable to come to St Stephen Walbrook over this period but wish to view these presentations, they can be downloaded from and


Thursday 26th March, 12.45pm: Eucharist focusing of the events of Palm Sunday and including the Blessing of Palm Crosses.

Thursday 2nd April, 12.45pm: Maundy Thursday Eucharist commemorating the Institution of the Eucharist by Jesus Christ with his disciples in Jerusalem. The musical setting will be Palestrina's Aeterna Christi munera.

Saturday 4th April, 6.00pm: The Easter Vigil - Easter is celebrated at St Stephen Walbrook on Easter Eve. The Easter Vigil Service celebrates the Blessing of the Paschal Candle, the remaking of Baptismal promises and the first Eucharist of Easter. The musical setting will be Mozart's Missa solemnis K 337.

At St Martin-in-the-Fields, the programme is as follows:

Sunday 29 March – Palm Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.45am Palm Sunday Procession

We meet at the corner of St James’s Park near Admiralty Arch. Join theChoir of St Martin-in-the-Fields and the Salvation Army Band for a procession with palms, led by a donkey, into church.

10.00am Eucharist with the reading of the Passion Gospel
1.00pm Service in Mandarin
2.15pm Service in Cantonese
5.00pm The Passion according to St John

Monday 30 March – Holy Week
8.30am Morning Prayer
1.15pm Holy Communion (DSC)
6.00pm Holy Communion with homily

Tuesday 31 March – Holy Week
8.30am Morning Prayer
1.15pm Holy Communion (DSC)
6.00pm Holy Communion with homily

Wednesday 1 April – Holy Week
8.30am Morning Prayer
1.00pm Choral Eucharist
4.30pm Choral Evensong
6.30pm Bread For the World in Holy Week

Thursday 2 April – Maundy Thursday
8.30am Morning Prayer
1.00pm Great Sacred Music
6.30pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy
Preacher: Revd Katherine Hedderly

Friday 3 April – Good Friday
8.30am Morning Prayer
10.00am Good Friday Service for All Ages
12 noon The Three Hours: God made strange
Revd Lucy Winkett, Vicar of St James Piccadilly, is the
preacher in this service of reflections on the passion of Christ.
With the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Saturday 4 April – Holy Saturday
9.00am Morning Prayer

Sunday 5 April – Easter Day
5.30am The Easter Vigil and the First Eucharist of Easter
10.00am Easter Eucharist
Preacher: Revd Dr Sam Wells
With the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields
1.00pm Service in Mandarin
2.15pm Service in Cantonese
5.00pm Choral Evensong with the
Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields


Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Aeterna Christi munera.

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