Friday, 18 October 2013

CS Lewis and the Inklings

Malcolm Guite writes that:

"As part of the commemorations for CS Lewis's 'Jubilee' year the Canadian Broadcasting Company have commissioned two in depth programmes on CS Lewis and the Inklings for their Flagship 'Ideas' series. I was happy to be involved with Frank Faulk in this endeavour and did an extensive interview with him which has been used in both programmes. I was impressed by the research he has done for this programme and the range of people he has speaking on it. Two good results of that research are first that he is not content with second hand cliches about Lewis but goes out of his way to scotch falsehoods, and secondly that he gives due weight to the neglected 'other inklings' beyond Lewis and Tolkien, and particularly gives the much-neglected Owen Barfield who is allowed at last to come into hi own. Finally, Faulk has, in my view rightly, identified Imagination, and the truth of Imagination as the key to the whole 'Inklings endeavour. Here is my post on the first programme. Here us what CBC say to introduce the second program on their website:

C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Owen Barfield and Charles Williams were the core of the legendary literary group The Inklings at Oxford University. They were united by a love of myth and the belief that it is through the imagination that reality is illuminated. In Part 2 of this series,  producer Frank Faulk looks at C.S. Lewis's conversion from atheism to Christianity, and his deep friendship with Tolkien, Barfield and Williams. Together Lewis and his three friends would forge a radical critique of modernity's reductionist, mechanistic and materialistic understanding of reality. It is a critique that today remains more relevant than ever.
And here is the link to both the first and second programmes:
Lewis and the Inklings Part two."


Mark Olson and the Creekdippers - Ben Jonson's Creek.

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