Friday, 18 October 2013

Bye Buy Childhood

Yesterday, along with other clergy in the Diocese of Chelmsford, whose parishes have Mothers' Union branches, I enjoyed the hospitality of the Diocesan MU team as they served a 'thank you' lunch for us in the Cathedral Chapter House.

After lunch we heard from Reg Bailey CBE, MU Chief Executive, about the work of the MU nationally and internationally including, in particular, the Bye Buy Childhood campaign.

MU believes that children should be valued as children, not consumers. Yet marketers target children's natural inexperience in order to reach the household purse. Giving children the message that they are what they own, rather than valuing them for who they are, can negatively affect their wellbeing.

The Bye Buy Childhood campaign was launched in August 2010 to challenge the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood. So far, MU has:
  • Gained support from Parliamentarians, across the parties
  • Presented a 19,000 signature petition to the Prime Minister
  • Participated in Parliamentary enquiries and discussions
  • Launched postcard campaigns in Ireland and Wales to enable people to send any complaints to Ofcom and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
  • Published Labelled for Life, an advice booklet for families
  • Highlighted the issue on television and radio, and through newspapers and the internet
  • Engaged local communities and faith groups through local Mothers' Union members' activities
  • Engaged with regulatory bodies, advertising and media organisations and other charities concerned about the issue.
Reg Bailey was also commissioned by the Government, in 2010, to carry out an independent review into the issue. The recommendations in his report, Letting Children be Children, were accepted and have been widely implemented. Click here for a progress report on the implementation of this report.

To get involved in the Bye Buy Childhood campaign click here.


The Banana Splits - The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana).

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