Sunday, 6 March 2011

Sacred Art Pilgrim

Via Stephen Scott I've recently come across Sacred Art Pilgrim, the site of John A. Kohan. Kohan writes that:

"This website charts the journey of one modern art lover who set out a few years back on a quest to recover this lost way of looking. What I have encountered on the way has intrigued, excited, and moved me not only to make art but to collect works by modern artists from around the globe who have been inspired by religious themes. It is the record of one pilgrim’s progress in rediscovering the majesty, meaning, and mystery of sacred art, something I’d like to share with art lovers on similar journeys."

"When I left fulltime work in journalism to settle on the island of Cyprus, I realized the study of sacred art was my real passion and set out on a pilgrimage, which has taken me to painted churches in Romania and the Modern Art Museum in New York City, the medieval cathedrals of France and the Coptic monasteries of the Egyptian desert, the concrete chapels of Le Corbusier and the adobe pilgrim shrines of the American Southwest ... Contrary to my expectations, there is sacred art worthy of attention from the modern era (which I date from the turn of the 19th century). It is being made, even as you read these words."

The artistic souvenirs he has gathered along the way have grown over time into the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection, which now includes pieces by artists, known and unknown, from around the globe, working in Ethiopia and Japan, Russia and Panama, Romania and Australia. These can be viewed in the Sacred Artists and Schools of Art galleries on his site, while his own works are in The Journey in Art gallery.


Lizz Wright - My Heart.

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