Sunday, 6 March 2011

Gospel Reflection - Matthew 17. 1-9

My latest Gospel Reflection - Matthew 17. 1-9 - has been sent off to Mission in London's Economy:

We all need affirmation in order to continue to do what we do and this story has Jesus receiving affirmation from God, his Father, close to the end of his ministry in just the same words as were used at the beginning of his ministry; "This is my own dear Son with whom I am pleased."

Jesus was shortly to knowingly endure the cross. In the preceding verses to this passage he tells his disciples: "I must go to Jerusalem and suffer much from the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law. I will be put to death, but three days later I will be raised to life." So, we can well imagine that Jesus needed this affirmation from his Father, just as much as his disciples needed to hear it for their future understanding.

Are there people whose work you could affirm this week? Do you know of people facing particularly difficult challenges and circumstances that you could encourage? Perhaps there are some to whom you have given encouragement in the past, maybe even helped into their current direction, who would appreciate a call or a conversation to sustain them this week.

Finally, God also wishes to call you his child and affirm you in your ministry. Are you open to that prospect?

Lord Jesus, scripture speaks of you as the sustainer of all things and yet you, yourself, required affirmation in your ministry. Encourage us this week with your affirmation of our ministry in and through our work and enable us to share your affirmation with others. Amen.

Josh T Pearson - That's Just The Way That Life Goes.

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