Sunday, 2 August 2009

Improving Seven Kings Park

Last week local residents and Seven Kings & Newbury Park Resident's Association (SKNPRA) members accompanied Councillors on a walkabout around Seven Kings Park as part of the Leisure Scrutiny Committee's working group on 'Facilities in Parks'.

SKNPRA view this as a welcome development which, combined with the recommencement of work on the cycle path and nature walk, suggests that attention is beginning to be paid by the Council to improving Seven Kings Park.

The walkabout, however, showed that basic improvements are needed before the park would benefit from more creative developments such as a cafe, arts initiatives, and park-based events. Park-keepers and the parks police are needed as a visible presence at busy times, which means moving away from a 9-5, Monday-Friday work pattern. Toilets need to be open at busy times, such as on Sundays, and to be more accessible to those in the children's play area which is on the opposite side of the park from the toilet block. Additionally, the bandstand needs urgent repair work and measures are needed to better control both parking and vehicle speeds in and around the park.

The Seven Kings & Newbury Park Resident's Association was originally formed to protect Seven Kings Park from plans to change part of its use. We continue to argue for and support all initiatives to improve the Park.

We therefore urge the Council to work towards Green Flag status for Seven Kings Park as a matter of urgency and we support plans to form a Friends of Seven Kings Park group.


Tim buckley - Morning Glory.

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