Friday, 31 July 2009

MiLE Gospel Reflections

I've just written my latest Gospel Reflection for the MiLE website on Sunday's Gospel reading - John 6. 24 - 35. My reflection can shortly be found by clicking here.

Here is my previous reflection, for Sunday 21 June, on Mark 4. 35-end:

Jesus' reaction to the storm (to sleep) and his response to his disciples after the stilling of the storm ("Why are you frightened? Have you still no faith?") suggest that he had expected the disciples to ride out the storm both by acting as responsible sailors and trusting in God to see them through. Instead, they are panicked by the storm, forget to do the things that sailors should do in a storm and, as a result, come close to going under.

This seems a salutary tale for us in the unanticipated storm of the credit crunch and the recession it has caused. Instead of panicking and looking for a miraculous instant solution to the storm in which we find ourselves, the faithful thing is to act responsibly, securing what can be secured and steering our way through the storm, trusting that we will come through, battered and blown, but alive nevertheless.

Lord Jesus, help us respond to the challenge of your question to the disciples as we face the storm of this recession. May we trust, and in our trust, take the responsible and sensible decisions that will secure our futures and those of others, both those we support and those who depend on us. Amen.


Nanci Griffith with Eric Taylor - Storms.

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