Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Heaven in Ordinary

Huw has passed on the following links for John Davies writing on the theme of 'Heaven in Ordinary':

Go to http://www.greenbelt.org.uk/index.php?p=768 for a Greenbelt article about the theme, to http://www.johndavies.org/sermons/bbc_06_08_07.html for Davies' wheely bin prayer and to http://www.johndavies.org/ for his main site.

Through looking at these I've also found site for writer/artist/cartoonist Michael Leunig and also for artist Antonia Rolls. Both of which are worth a look and continue the 'Heaven in Ordinary' theme.

This is a theme that is linked to the 'Praying through the Everyday' Quiet Days that I will be leading over the next six months or so. These will be at:


The Innocence Mission - Song AboutTravelling.


  1. Hi Jonathan - Thanks for this morning and for the tea/coffee and delicious cake :) and for all your hard work that went into the Faith Forum document - Take care, love Judyx

  2. Thanks Judy,

    Good to see you again.

