Sunday, 22 June 2008

Advent Art Project

I am part of a group that is planning an Advent Art project for Redbridge.

Our idea is to create an art work that will form the focal point in our churches for a place of stillness and reflection. The aim is to create a restful space that would enable Christians and non Christians alike to find a space, relax, reflect and be an alternative to the business that the Christmas period brings. It will enable our churches to be opened to the wider public and hopefully mean that they can discover a place of peace and quiet.

We plan to work with screens and mirrors to create an image on the theme of light. This is a symbol that crosses faiths and cultures and therefore should have as wide appeal as possible. Some of the the ideas & associations that were discussed at our first planning meeting include:
  • abstract image moving from dark (edges) to light (centre);
  • Mark Rothko's Housten Chapel & Tate Modern paintings;
  • fragments of stained glass (lit from behind?) - Winchester Cathedral stained glass;
  • use of perspex and glass paint;
  • holes in screens - lit from behind;
  • use of mirrors (possibly fragments) - idea of seeing yourself in the work;
  • tray with water & candle;
  • use of highly polished aluminium film - gives a mirror-like surfavce but can be cut and glued;
  • use of fabrics - glinting threads, silks or other heavy fabrics;
  • use of CDs or stick-on mosaics;
  • central focal point of light surrounded by dark - use of chiaroscuro;
  • use of covered fabrics with multi-layered textures;
  • use of screen printing onto perspex;
  • use of hand or fingerprints to build up an image;
  • use of tie dyes or other fabric dyes;
  • 3-4 6x4 panels (e.g. wood, mdf etc.) or room dividers - creating a triptych effect with large central panel and two smaller side panels.


Beth Rowley - Beautiful Tomorrow.

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