Friday, 2 November 2007

Issues facing London's economy

Mission in London’s Economy (MiLE) and Faith Regen Foundation (FRF) are inviting representatives of faith-based business organisations to a round table discussion on faith community responses to the issues facing London’s economy. This meeting is to be held on Thursday 24th January from 10.30am at The Royal Foundation of St Katherine, 2 Butcher Row, London E14 8DS (with lunch to follow).

MiLE exists to draw together the expertise of a wide variety of people working in London to advise on ways and means of the church fulfilling a ministry towards the industrial, commercial and urban community and to stimulate public opinion on relations between the Christian faith and industrial, commercial and economic life. FRF is a Muslim-led multi-faith agency committed to working towards increasing social harmony in our society, through multi-faith action, by empowering and regenerating individuals and communities through the development of increased capacity, economic independence and a stronger voice.

MiLE and FRF are interested in working together with other faith-based business organisation to explore interest in ways of creating co-ordinated faith community responses to the issues facing London's economy. The round table discussion on 24th January is intended as an opportunity to explore the scope that might exist for such joint working.

Initial thoughts on possible responses include:

· publicity for faith-based business organisations/resources;
· conferences/seminars on faith-based approaches to business;
· information leaflets/booklets on faith-related issues in business;
· faith-based responses to consultations on London’s economy.

However, the round table discussion and any subsequent meetings would be used to determine what, if any, responses might be developed.

Faith-based business organisations are encouraged to be part of an initial discussion which is genuinely open in its agenda and which holds potential for raising the profile of the vital part that faith actually plays within London’s economy.

For more information contact: Revd. Jonathan Evens, Chair of MiLE’s Practitioner Group 6 and FRF consultant
C/o Mission in London's Economy, The Royal Foundation of St Katherine, 2 Butcher Row, London E14 8DS
or Tel: 020 8599 2170 / Email: .


Ricky Ross - This Is The Life.

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