Friday, 2 November 2007

Go Gordon

Over 12,300 people from the UK sent email, photo and video messages to Gordon Brown as part of Oxfam's Go Gordon campaign.

Thanks to these combined messages, during his first 100 days Gordon Brown has: committed extra funds for aid which will pay for schools, teachers, nurses and doctors across Africa; and shown strong leadership on the humanitarian crisis in Darfur and Chad. The Prime Minister's response to these messages and Oxfam's verdict on his first 100 days can be read by clicking here.

But there’s plenty more for the Prime Minister and the government to do. Oxfam need people to keep the pressure on key decision makers, and to take immediate action on climate change, which is already undermining their work to end poverty.

So, by clicking here you can tell Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to put the needs of poor people at the heart of crucial UN climate change talks in December.


Moya Brennan - Perfect Time.

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