Friday, 6 September 2024

Great Books Explained: The King James Bible


I have recently co-scripted a film about the King James Bible with James Payne, a curator, gallerist, and passionate art lover. 

James is on a mission to demystify the art world and discover the stories behind the world’s greatest paintings and sculptures. Each episode of his Great Art Explained series focuses on one piece of art and breaks it down, using clear and concise language free of 'art-speak'. Great Books Explained, in which the film on the King James Bible will appear, is an extension of Great Art Explained and follows the same ideas, except it is about literature. Fifteen minutes, clear concise language, no outlandish theories, just a love for books and reading.

James says: "Coming this Friday is my film co-created by the Reverend Jonathan Evens about the extraordinary King James Bible. For an atheist I’ve also had a strange lifelong obsession with the Bible and in particular the gospels. My research paper for my MA at art school was on “The redemption figure in American cinema” so this was a real pet project for me. It’s a long time coming but the Bible is out this Friday at 8pm (UK time). I also get to use a piece of music I’ve been wanting to use for ages."

The film covers the content and structure of the Bible as well as telling both the story of the King James Version's creation and some of its cultural influence.


Mark Heard - Well Worn Pages.

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