Friday, 9 February 2024

Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry: Upcoming Events

Messy Lent/Temptation

Saturday 10 February, 2.00 - 4.00 pm, St Andrew's Wickford

Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.

Pancake Party
St Catherine’s Hall, 120 Southend Road, Wickford SS11 8EB
Tuesday 13th February, 2.00 - 4.00 pm
Drop in between 2pm and 4pm or stay all afternoon and help raise funds for St Catherine’s tower restoration. £4 to include 2 pancakes and unlimited tea or coffee. Gluten free available on request.

Salvation Army Band & Choir

Wickford Salvation Army Band and Choir will be performing at St Andrew's at 3.30 pm on Sunday 17 March to raise funds for St Andrew's. All are welcome.

Take Note in concert
Saturday 20 April, 3.00 pm
St Andrew’s Church, 11 London Road, Wickford SS12 0AN

Take Note are an all-male a Cappella group of up to 12 singers formed in 2015. They sing many genres of music across many eras in four-part harmony. Their wide-ranging repertoire includes traditional male voice choir numbers, popular songs from the 50s and 60s sung in close harmony doo wop style, comedy items and other a Cappella arrangements that they think will appeal to their audiences.

This concert is a fundraiser for St Andrew’s Church. No tickets required. Donations requested on the day.

Quiet Days in 2024 - St Mary’s Runwell

Reflect in the magnificent mediaeval building that is St Mary’s Runwell, and relax in its beautiful churchyard. St. Mary’s is often described by visitors and by regular worshippers as a powerful sacred space to which they have been drawn. Experience this yourself, while also exploring its art and heritage.

Themes for 2024 include: Psalms, Women in the Bible, Nazareth Community’s Rule of Life, Faith Pictures, and Jesus Music.

All are 10.30 am – 3.30 pm. Runwell Rd SS11 7HS.
  • Saturday 27 April – Jesus Music: Reflect on the person of Jesus plus praise and prayer to him, through the Jesus Music of the 1960’s and 70’s. Led by Revd Jonathan Evens.
  • Wednesday 22 May – Women in the Bible: Spend time getting to know the women whose lives made a significant contribution to the story of God’s relationship with his people. Led by Revd Sue Wise.
  • Saturday 15 June – Faith Pictures: Helps us see where God has been present in our lives, how we can talk about that confidently, and how God is active in the world around us and wants us to join in with Him. The focus will be on Traveller’s Tales and Talking Pictures. Led by Gail and Stephen.
  • Wednesday 10 July – Psalms: Time to immerse yourself in the prayerfulness, rich imagery and poetry of the psalms. Led by Revd Sue Wise.
  • Saturday 14 September – The 7S’s of the Nazareth Community: Silence, Sacrament, Scriptures, Service, Sharing, Sabbath, Staying as a personal Rule of Life. Led by Revd Jonathan Evens.
Cost: £8.00 per person, including sandwich lunch (pay on the day). To book contact / 07803 562329 (27/04, 15/06, 14/09) or / 07941 506156 (22/05, 10/07). Parking available at the Church Hall – Church End Lane, Runwell SS11 7JQ. Nearest station: Wickford (1.3 miles). Buses: 8, 10, 94, 94A, 94B, X10.

Being With course
Tuesday evenings from 23 April - 25 June, 7.30 pm
St Andrew's Wickford

Have you ever wondered…

If all the meaning, beauty and goodness you have found in life so far could help you discover something that holds it all together?

If there is a God, wouldn’t God be best discovered with others?

Being With ⁄ A Course Exploring Christian Faith and Life

We believe God's desire is to be with you and that God has been at work in your life from day one. We are looking forward to discovering that with you.

Discovering Christian faith in a positive and inclusive group. No special knowledge or religious language needed. Just what you have learned in life so far.

12 Thursday evenings from 9 May, 7.30 pm
St Andrew's Wickford

Kintsugi Hope is a charity based in the UK striving to make a difference to peoples mental wellbeing. 

"Kintsugi' (⾦継ぎ) is a Japanese technique for repairing pottery with seams of gold. The word means 'golden joinery' in Japanese. This repairs the brokenness in a way that makes the object more beautiful, and even more unique than it was prior to being broken. Instead of hiding the scars it makes a feature of them. “We want to see a world where mental and emotional health is understood and accepted, with safe and supportive communities for everyone to grow and flourish."

Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Groups

A Kintsugi Hope Group is a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style setting. It consists of a structured yet flexible series of 12 weeks of content, which includes group and individual activities designed to help participants to accept themselves, to understand their value and worth, and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future. Issues covered include; disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience. Feedback so far has been amazing.

Our new group starts on Thursday May 9th, 7.30pm at St Andrew’s Church, London Road, Wickford For more information and to register for the Group contact Revd Sue Wise on 07941 506156 or 

Mumford & Sons x Pharrell Williams - Good People.

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