Friday, 10 November 2023

Seen&Unseen: Charm in tunes on the eastern edge


My latest article for Seen&Unseen has just been published. This article is an interview with musician and priest Rev Simpkins in which we discuss how music is an expression of humanity and his faith:

"Music is just such a brilliant expression of our humanity and my faith is that all these things have something to do with grace. Christianity is music: the Psalms are the bedrock of Christian faith and worship. All is melded into one. I’m obsessed with the Psalms and the violent mood swings they contain. Their emotional honesty intertwines music and human life with grace. The richness of creation and human experience – for good and ill – mean that I’m not willing to believe that parts of that are somehow untouched by grace and redemption – even our own suffering and sorrow."

For my review of Pissabed Prophet see here and for more on the Rev Simpkins gig at St Andrew's Wickford on 17 November, see here.

My first article for Seen&Unseen was 'Life is more important than art' which reviews the themes of recent art exhibitions that tackle life’s big questions and the roles creators take.

My second article 'Corinne Bailey Rae’s energised and anguished creative journey' explores inspirations in Detroit, Leeds and Ethiopia for Corinne Bailey Rae’s latest album, Black Rainbows, which is an atlas of capacious faith


Rev Simpkins - Gathering Grounds.

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