Friday, 1 September 2023

Unveiled programme and autumn exhibition


The autumn programme of arts and culture events at St Andrew's Wickford (11 London Road, Wickford SS12 0AN) begins next Friday. Our autumn Unveiled programme is as follows (with the exception of a 7.30 pm start for the Open Mic Night, all begin at 7.00 pm):
  • 8 September – Open Mic Night organised with John Rogers. Everybody is welcome to come along and play, read, sing or just spectate. See you there for a great evening of live performance!
  • 22 September – Poetry and Prayer: Hear Jonathan Evens speak about and read poems about prayer and poems that are prayers. Enjoy poems by John Berryman, John Donne, Carol Ann Duffy, George Herbert, Ann Lewin and Mary Oliver among others.
  • 6 October – From Hong Kong to Wickford: See the multifaceted pictorial display at St Andrew’s created by Wickford-based composer Ho Wai-On. It features stories of a lifetime of interaction with UK-Hong Kong based artists/people that have resulted in many creative works. Hear Wai-On speak about the exhibition, her career and her creative projects.
  • 20 October – An evening with the Ladygate Scribblers. Hear poetry and prose from a long-established Wickford-based writers’ group.
  • 3 November – Wickford Heroes: Hear Steve Newman of the Wickford War Memorial Association and author of ‘Wickford Heroes - The Wickford & Runwell Roll of Honour Book’ speak about the War Memorial & some of those from Wickford & Runwell who made the supreme sacrifice in the World Wars.
  • 17 November – Rev Simpkins in concert featuring songs from ‘Pissabed Prophet’ – “Melodious, chaotic, gloriously energetic, the fruit of the fevered musical imaginations of Matty Simpkins (Rev Simpkins) and Ben Brown (Dingus Khan, SuperGlu).”
  • 1 December – Mission to Seafarers evening including Sea Shanties: The Mission to Seafarers provides help and support to the 1.89 million crewmen and women who face danger every day to keep our global economy afloat. Hear more about their work from Paul Trathen, Port Development Manager. Also enjoy a selection of sea shanties from local singers led by John Rogers.
  • 15 December – Film Night: It's a Wonderful Life. The story of dejected and desperate George Bailey, who's spent his whole life in the small town of Bedford Falls, but longs to explore the world. Reaching rock bottom, he starts to believe that everyone in his life would be better off if he had never been born. An angel shows him how important a role he's had in the lives of friends and family.
These events do not require tickets (just turn up on the night). There will be a retiring collection to cover artist and church costs. See for fuller information.

Our autumn exhibition is FROM HONG KONG TO WICKFORD A Multifaceted Pictorial Display with Stories, an exhibition by Ho Wai-On (Ann-Kay) and Friends running from 25 September – 16 December 2023 at St Andrew’s Church, 11 London Road, Wickford SS12 0AN.

Dr Ho Wai-On: Surname Ho, known to colleagues as Wai-On. She comes from Hong Kong where the surname is followed by the given name that represents the individual. She has lived in Wickford for about 15 years and is known to locals as Ann-Kay (her childhood name). Before moving to Wickford, she lived in London for more than 30 years.

Best known as a composer and creator/director of combined-art works and projects, this multifaceted pictorial display features her lifetime of interaction with UK and Hong Kong based artists/people that have resulted in many creative works. It also tells the stories of these people and their work.

The Display features the following:

  • ‘Acis & Galatea’: Dance-opera directed by Ho Wai-On for the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts
  • ‘Blessed’ – Stations of the Cross with Beatitude: An offering to St. Andrew's from Ho Wai-On
  • Clark Ainsworth (UK-HK): Hong Kong photographs
  • Dr Juliet Chenery-Robson (Sunderland): Visual artist
  • Ruth Cutler (Ramsgate): Mixed media
  • Graham Ekins (Boreham): Hong Kong birds photographs
  • Ho Wai-On (Ann-Kay HK-UK): Music videos; combined arts; design and photographs
  • Inter-Artes: Performing group formed by Ho Wai-On
  • Polly Hope (London): Artist
  • Herry Lawford (Stockbridge): Chelsea Flower Show photographs
  • Professor Stephen Matthews (UK-HK): Hong Kong birds photographs
  • Ben Rector (Wickford): Photographer
  • Roy Reed (UK): Photographer
  • Martin Singleton (Wickford): UK birds photographs
  • Albert Tang (HK-London): Stage/costume/poster/cover design and more
  • “THEME HONG KONG“: Project
  • Dr David Tong (Sidcup): Poetry
  • True Light Old Girls (Ho Wai-On's old school): Choy May-Chu (HK-Taiwan); drawings/paintings; Kitty Kwan (HK-UK-AU-US) photos; Toby Man (HK-US) drawing
  • Marcus West (Cardiff): Computer graphics
  • Benson Wong (HK-UK-HK): Fashion/textile/jewellery design & digital portraits
N.B., ( ) indicates residency. E.g., (HK-UK-AU-US) = From Hong
Kong, then lived in the UK, Australia, now lives in the US.

Ho Wai-On says: “My memory of life in Hong Kong is about 15 years, which is about the same as I have been living in Wickford. In between, for more than 30 years, I lived mostly in London and went back to Hong Kong from time to time. With UK-based professionals in creative and performing arts, I created and staged performances of works/projects that combine music, dance, drama and visual art across different cultures, sometimes with relevant displays. This multifaceted pictorial display at St. Andrew's Church features stories of my lifetime's interaction with UK-Hong Kong based artists and people and the resulting creative works, and tells you about these people and their work. I hope this might encourage audiences' interest in getting to know more.”

Special opportunities to view the exhibition include:
  • Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon Celebration Viewing with Refreshments, Friday 29 September, 7.00 – 9.00 pm: Friday 29 September is the Mid-Autumn Festival (Harvest Moon to the English) - one of the most important festivals celebrated by ethnic Chinese, and also celebrated in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and other countries in East and Southeast Asia. People, and especially family members, gather together to eat and to look at the moon at its brightest and roundest in a year. Rod Reed's photos of "Mid-Autumn in London Chinatown", commissioned by Inter-Artes, are featured in the Display.
  • ‘Flying Wild – Beautiful Birds and Insects’ talk by Martin Singleton (Wickford Wildlife Society) with exhibition viewing, Monday 2 October, 7.30 pm: Martin Singleton will talk about the creatures found with his photographs which are included in the Display.
  • Unveiled exhibition viewing evening, Friday 6 October, 7.00 – 9.00 pm: Meet Ho Wai-On and hear about the exhibition, her career and her creative projects.
Ho Wai-On’s Youtube Channel:
Ho Wai-On’s Website:


Pissabed Prophet - Humber Doucy (Sweet Shadow).

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