Sunday, 17 September 2023

Quiet Day: The Rhythm of Life

Quiet Day: The Rhythm of Life
Wednesday 20th September 10.30 am – 3.30 pm, St Mary’s Runwell

A day spent reflecting on Celtic Spirituality, its place in our history, its saints, prayer and worship, music and art. Reflect in the magnificent mediaeval building that is St Mary’s Runwell, and relax in its beautiful churchyard. St. Mary’s itself is often described by visitors and by regular worshippers as a powerful sacred space to which they have been drawn. Experience this yourself, while also exploring its art and heritage.

Led by Revd Sue Wise, Team Vicar, Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry.

Cost: £8.00 per person, including sandwich lunch (pay on the day).

To book: Phone 07941 506156 or email


Caedmon - Caedmon's Hymn.

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