Monday, 28 August 2023

Fundraising Campaign - St Catherine’s Church, Wickford


Thanks to the generosity of local people, grant funders and our fundraisers, we have raised £13,681.88 towards our Phase 1 target of £19,928.68. As a result, we are currently looking to raise £6,246.80 to complete this phase.

Money raised to date has come from: individual donations; grants from Benefact Trust and the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme; and a wide range of fundraising events including concerts by Allegro Choir, Ladybirds Song Group, Rumatica Rockulele Band; Flower Festival with Cream Tea Day; Pancake Party; and Quiz Night. Our thanks to all those who so generously donated and those who have given time and used their talents in organising events. Our thanks, too, to all the performers who have given their time to support our efforts. We are very grateful.

The campaign is necessary because, due to the long dry summer of 2022, the foundations of the North West corner of St Catherine’s Church have subsided. This has caused a number of large cracks to appear in the walls and some stonework to fall. As a result, we are fundraising for urgent safety and weather protection work (now completed) which cost £19,928.68 and, then, for the investigations needed to design a long-term solution.

If you wish to contribute to this campaign, please use the QR Code below or go to to donate online or send cheques made out to Wickford and Runwell Parochial Church Council to The Rectory, 120 Southend Road, Wickford SS11 8EB or phone 07803 562329 / email for the bank details to use for a bank transfer.


Moody Blues - Minstrel's Song.

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