Friday, 21 July 2023

Art review: When the Apple Ripens: Peter Howson at 65 (City Art Centre, Edinburgh)

My latest exhibition review for Church Times is on "When the Apple Ripens: Peter Howson at 65: A Retrospective” at Edinburgh's City Art Centre:

'This retrospective is evidence that, in Howson’s case, the apple has ripened and that he has created a substantial body of original and challenging work. When I interviewed Howson in 2018, he spoke about his personal journey, saying: “I am an addictive, hedonistic person by nature. That is destructive to me, and it is bad for the people around me, so I force myself to work, and walk and pray. It’s been a long road, with many wrong turnings, but I’ve never felt that it wasn’t worth it. I believe that I am walking towards something incredible.”

He was probably speaking then of heaven, but this exhibition reveals his body of work to also be an incredible achievement — an achievement that we are fortunate to be able to witness.'

To read my interview with Peter Howson for Artlyst click here, a review of an earlier Howson exhibition is here, and my exhibition for the Visual Commentary on Scripture which includes Howson's 'The Third Step' can be found here.

Other of my pieces for Church Times can be found here. My writing for ArtWay can be found here. My pieces for Artlyst are here and those for Art+Christianity are here.


Richard Shindell and Dar Williams - The Ballad of Mary Magdalene.

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