Friday, 2 June 2023

Unveiled and Quiet Day

Here's details of the remaining Unveiled summer programme (fortnightly on Friday's) at St Andrew's Wickford:
  • Unveiled – a wide range of artist and performers from Essex and wider, including Open Mic nights (come and have a go!).
  • Unveiled – view our hidden painting by acclaimed artist David Folley, plus a range of other exhibitions.
Summer Programme 2023
  • 9 June - Talk: Changing Face of Basildon. Ken Porter, author, historian and Chair of Basildon Heritage, will talk about the Plotlands in Essex.
  • 23 June – Talk: A Walk in the Park. Kim Oakes and Janet Dunn from Friends of the Wickford Memorial Park give a visual tour of the Wickford Memorial Park, a little history of the park and the past work and future projects of the Friends of the Wickford Memorial Park Volunteer Group formed in 2019, including the development of the Beauchamps Meadow and nature reserve. The presentation will take the route of the walking tours of the park, covering the whole park.
  • 7 July – Talk: Art in Worship. An illustrated lecture by Jonathan Evens exploring approaches to and understanding of the relationship between art and faith. This lecture highlights different facets to this relationship from the 4th century to the present.
  • 21 July – Open Mic Night organised with John Rogers. Everybody is welcome to come along and play, sing or just spectate. Hope to see you there for a great evening of live music and performance!
These events do not require tickets (just turn up on the night). There will be a retiring collection to cover artist and church costs.

See for fuller information.

Quiet Day: Poetry & prayer
Saturday 1 July, 10.30 am – 3.30 pm, St Mary’s Runwell

Explore prayer through poetry, with poems about prayers and poems that are prayers. Enjoy poems by John Berryman, John Donne, Carol Ann Duffy, George Herbert, and Ann Lewin, among others.

Reflect in the magnificent mediaeval building that is St Mary’s Runwell, and relax in its beautiful churchyard. St. Mary’s itself is often described by visitors and by regular worshippers as a powerful sacred space to which they have been drawn. Experience this yourself, while also exploring its art and heritage.

Led by Revd Jonathan Evens, Team Rector, Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry

Cost: £8.00 per person, including sandwich lunch (pay on the day)
To book: Phone 07803 562329 or email

My poem about St Mary's Runwell can be read here.


Kev Butler and Dave Crawford - Revelations.

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