Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Upcoming events: Unveiled, Quiet Day and Rumatica


Upcoming events in the Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry include the following:

Our second Open Mic Night, on Friday 3 March from 7.30 pm at St Andrew's Wickford. We're doing this event with John Rogers, a regular organiser of Open Mic Nights around the area. All are welcome to come along and play, sing, perform or just spectate. Hope to see you there for a great evening of live performance!

Saturday 4 March, 10.30 am – 3.30 pm, at St Mary’s Runwell, we have a Quiet Day on Christian Mindfulness. Christian mindfulness is the art of embracing all moments of life with acceptance and curiosity. Explore the beauty of being present to God, to ourselves, and to others through a series of Christian mindfulness exercises. Reflect in the magnificent mediaeval building that is St Mary’s Runwell, and relax in its beautiful churchyard. St. Mary’s itself is often described by visitors and by regular worshippers as a powerful sacred space to which they have been drawn. Experience this yourself, while also exploring its art and heritage. Led by Emma Doe, Licensed Lay Minister for Wickford and Runwell. Cost: £8.00 per person, including sandwich lunch (pay on the day). To book: Phone 07803 562329 or email .

Rumatica Ukulele Group: Saturday 11 March, 3.00 pm, St Catherine’s Church (120 Southend Road, Wickford SS11 8EB). A local band playing and singing a wide range of popular songs including rock, pop, country, swing, rock and roll. Enjoy a cream tea afterwards in the church hall. Elsa (from Frozen) will be making an appearance at the cream tea and children will be able to meet her and have a photograph taken. This event is raising funds for essential repair works at St Catherine's Church, where we need to raise £23,000 for phase 1 of a project to underpin the building (donations to the campaign can be made online using the QR code above).

Friday 17 March, 7.00 pm, St Andrew's Wickford – St Martin’s Voices, one of the UK’s most versatile professional vocal ensembles, performing concerts on the international stage as well as giving regular BBC broadcasts and special services at London’s iconic St Martin-in-the-Fields. The ensemble performs regularly alongside the Academy of St Martin in the Fields and London Mozart Players and is featured in the Church of England’s online worship resources that have attracted over 4 million downloads.


St Martin's Voices - Praise To The Holiest.

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