Friday, 16 September 2022

Praying through the week


On Wednesday we held our first Quiet Day in the 'thin space' of St Mary's Runwell.

We explored how to hear from and encounter God in the ordinary, everyday things, people, situations and emotions around us, by having an ongoing conversation with God in which we pray through our emotions and our everyday encounters. We used prayers from David Adam, Ruth Burgess, the Carmina Gadelica, and Martin Wallace, poems by George Herbert and Gerard Manley Hopkins, and music from Bill Fay and Victoria Williams. There were also prayers exercises based on the Psalms and everyday activities, plus a meditation using a range of everyday objects.

Additionally, those attending made use of a new leaflet providing a reflective tour of the art and architecture at St Mary's Runwell. St Mary's is a magnificent mediaeval building which boasts an interesting and mixed history. The church is often described by both visitors and regular worshippers as a powerful sacred space to which they have been drawn. This powerful impact comes in part from the art and architecture in the space. The leaflet provides information about that aspect of the building and suggests reflections and prayers as the building and its artworks are viewed.

The next Quiet Day at St Mary's will be on 11 March 2023. Look out for publicity nearer the time.


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