Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry update

Over the last few weeks we have been updating the website and A Church Near You pages for the Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry. Our website can be found at http://wickfordandrunwellparish.org.uk/index.html and the A Church Near You pages at https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/6704/benefice/. Do take a look and let us know of any ways we can further improve. 

The churches and congregations of St Andrew’s, St Catherine’s and St Mary’s supported by the Ministry Team form the Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry. We are seeking to be churches, and a Team of churches, that are at the heart of the communities of Wickford and Runwell, while also being with those on the edge.

We want to explore what that might mean for you and how we can best share the riches of current practice and past history within these churches in ways that engage the wider community more fully, whilst also seeing the ways God’s Spirit is at work in the area and joining in. We are looking to see where the energy and life of God’s Holy Spirit is already at work in Wickford and Runwell, so we can get more involved in all that God is already doing here.

As a result, we have begun consulting with our congregations and the wider community on what people value about the area, issues to be addressed, and how churches should engage with the community. Would you be willing to give us your views? If you would, please complete either our our Church survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QGSJJG5 or our Community survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QGDCM3F. We would be very grateful if you could share your ideas by completing the survey by Friday 9 September 2022.

We have also begun livestreaming Morning Prayer from our churches on the following days: Tuesdays - St Andrew's; Wednesdays - St Catherine's; and Thursdays - St Mary's. These services can be viewed at our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/WickfordandRunwellCofE. To see the latest Morning Prayer go to https://www.facebook.com/WickfordandRunwellCofE/videos/1114296376161806.


Ho Wai-On - Blessed.

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