Thursday, 14 July 2022

Called to the feast

Called to the feast is an online exhibition created for (Still) Calling from the Edge, the 10th annual conference on disability and church in partnership between St Martin-in-the-Fields and Inclusive Church, through an pre-conference art workshop. This preparatory workshop drew on the image of feasting in Jesus’ parables and teaching combined with the way he included those experiencing exclusion among his disciples and restored others to worship at the Temple. 

The pre-conference workshop resulted in an video exhibition including images and words for an inclusive Last Supper. These are in a variety of media (drawing, painting, photography, poetry, prose etc) and focus on a range of aspects of the Last Supper e.g. the feast, the table, the guests, Jesus etc. Participants were encouraged to interpret this brief in their own way and as made sense to them. The video exhibition was then shown in a workshop during the conference.

Called to the feast was inspired by The Blind Jesus (No-one belongs here more than you) projectThe Blind Jesus (No-one belongs here more than you) is an image in charcoal of the Last Supper which includes the central character of a visually impaired Jesus, surrounded by twelve people of differing ages, backgrounds and abilities. The project aims to seed other images of the Last Supper that are truly for everyone and are displayed by churches alongside the original image. Schools, churches and community groups are being invited as part of this project to create their own Last Supper images. Called to the feast was the first collection of images to be seeded as a result of this project.


Arvo Pärt - Tabula rasa.

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