Tuesday, 17 May 2022

First Team Rector's message for Wickford and Runwell

I'm looking forward to being licensed as Team Rector for Wickford and Runwell on Thursday 19 May 2022. I will be licensed and collated by the Bishop of Bradwell, The Rt Revd Dr. John Perumbalath, and inducted by the Acting Archdeacon of Southend, The Reverend Canon Mike Power. The service will be at St Andrew’s Church, 11 London Road, Wickford, SS12 0AN beginning at 7.30pm and will also be livestreamed online.

I've just shared my first message for the Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry on the website which includes the following:

'I look forward to getting fully involved in the communities of Wickford and Runwell, while sharing in ministry with the congregations of St Andrew’s, St Catherine’s and St Mary’s. I believe churches need to be at the heart of their communities, while being with those on the edge. I am excited to explore what this will mean in Wickford and Runwell. Also, to explore how we can share the riches of current practice and past history within these churches in ways that engage the wider community more fully, whilst also seeing the ways God’s Spirit is already at work in the area and joining in.'

On my first Sunday we have a joint service at St Andrew’s at 10.00 am followed by our Annual Parochial Church Meeting and then a Bring and Share Lunch. All are most welcome to all or part of those events but do consider staying for the APCM to hear about all that has gone on here during the past year in order to understand the foundation on which we are building as we go forward in God’s name together.


Ho Wai-On - Blessed.

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