Saturday, 16 April 2022

Deus Ex Musica: Four (Surprising) Pop Songs for Easter

For over 50 years, pop musicians in all genres have explored the meaning and significance of Jesus in their music. The result is a rich collection of songs that consider important spiritual questions like faith, doubt, and prayer in unique and often provocative ways. 

Delvyn Case and I both have a deep interest in the ways faith is expressed in and through pop music in all its many guises. In a recent series for HeartEdge we attempted to tap our differing interests and knowledge by choosing four songs for each festival we discussed.

In my latest blog post for Deus Ex Musica I share the four songs we chose for Easter. My earlier post with four songs for Lent can also be read here.

My co-authored book - The Secret Chord - on faith and music can also be found here. 'The Secret Chord is an accessible exploration of artistic dilemmas from a range of different perspectives which seeks to draw the reader into a place of appreciation for what makes a moment in a 'performance' timeless and special. The writers' experience of creativity is of disparate and often contradictory ideas being crushed, swirled, fermented, shaken and stirred in our minds in order that the fine wine of creativity results.'


Patti Smith - Easter.

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