Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Betty Spackman: A Creature Chronicle


In January 2020 Artlyst published my interview with Betty Spackman in advance of the planned exhibition of 'A Creature Chronicle’, an installation which combines the stories of both science and religion using well-known artworks as mediators and commentators to explore ethical concerns in both fields regarding transgenics and the development of posthumanism. 

The Covid pandemic, of course, intervened. Now after a two year delay because of Covid 'A Creature Chronicle' will open April 22- May 21, 2022 with a revised programme of talks and events.

Read my interview with Betty Spackman here.

Considering Creation
Faith and Fable, Fact and Fiction.

Exhibition and Symposium
Artist: Betty Spackman
with Special Guest Speakers
Musicians & Storytellers
April 22 - May 21, 2022
Swallowfield Art Series 2022
Swallowfield Farm
7296 Telegraph Trail, Langley, BC

“This exhibition, which points to the complex connections between the Arts, Sciences, and Faith
is an excellent tool to facilitate discussions about the future of creation in the context of posthumanism.”
 John Franklin, Executive Director, IMAGO Arts

This complex new work by Betty Spackman, MFA is a 15 panel, double-sided, circular installation, approx. 24 feet in diameter and 8 feet high. The mixed media images taken from a multitude of art, science, and faith references are meant to provoke contemplation and conversation about the difficult questions of what it is to be human. From the stories of genesis to the still-being-written stories of contemporary bioscience, layers of concern and celebration are woven together around our complex philosophical debates about creation in the context of developing technologies.

Spackman is an installation artist and painter with a background in animation and visual storytelling. Her interest in narrative informs this new work that combines the stories of both science and religion, using well known art works as mediators and commentators. It presents itself as a non-linear, multi-layered storyboard to be walked around and sat inside, with visual stories to be ‘read’ or discovered, contemplated and discussed.

This work, shown outside of formal institutional agendas, provides a safe place of meeting for diverse cultural communities to consider together our evolving ways of defining ourselves. Spackman believes all of life to be interconnected and that love, as an intellectual, spiritual and behavioural choice, in our defining narratives, belief systems and lifestyles, is the one chance of sustainability, equity and future hope for all life forms.

But ‘A CREATURE CHRONICLE’ is not only an art exhibition. It is a multi-layered community event with an accompanying symposium with over 30 guest scholars, musicians, storytellers, actors, artists, poets, and more that Spackman has invited to be part of the month-long series of talks and concerts. Some are local to British Columbia and others are coming from England, the US, Alberta, the North West Territories and Ontario.

‘A CREATURE CHRONICLE’ is part of the ‘Swallowfield Arts Series 2022’ hosted by Dennis and Jenny DeGroot of Swallowfield Farm, who use their award-winning barn for hay in the winter, and cultural events the rest of the year. The show and symposium are non-profit with all events by donation. Seating is limited - so you will need to book a seat to Panel Talks and Concerts: ccregister@shaw.ca

For full details and hours, full programme & link to livestreamed panel talks: www.bettyspackman.com

Mondays: 10 am – 4 pm
Tuesdays: 10 am – 4 pm
Thursdays: 10 am – 4 pm and 6 pm - 8 pm
Fridays: 10 am – 4 pm
Wednesdays & Saturdays
(Closed Sundays)

  • Fri. APRIL 22, 7pm OPENING
  • Sat. APRIL 23, 2pm ART TALK: Betty Spackman in conversation with Ellen Van Eijnsbergen
  • Wed. April 27, 2pm SACRED CONVERSATIONS: LISTENING TO STRANGERS: David Goa, comedian Charles Demers
  • Wed. April 27, 7pm THE ARTS AS MEDIATORS IN A BROKEN WORLD: John Franklin, Amy Dyck
  • Sat. April 30, 10am - 4pm WHO ARE WE REALLY?: David Goa, John Auxier, John Franklin, Lynne Spackman, Lincoln Tatem - Music
  • Wed. May 4, 7pm ETHICS IN BIOSCIENCE: Dr.Lynne Spackman
  • Sat. May 7, 10am - 4 pm SEEING AND BELIEVING: David Goa, Carolyn Arends, Dr.Jason Byassee, Dr.Greg Cootsona, Carolyn Arends - Music
  • Wed. May 11, 2pm THE BIBLE: FACT OR FICTION?: David Goa, Lincoln Tatem - Music
  • Wed. May 11, 7pm - CREATION CARE: Dr.Jason Byassee, Sarah Ronald - Animation
  • Sat. May 14, 10am -12 STORY AND IDENTITY: Steve Bynum, Fern Gabriel, Angela Konrad, Patrick Scott, Zack Running Coyote – video clip
  • Sat. May 14, 2pm – 4pm - STORY AND IMAGINATION: David Goa, Pieter Kwant, Desiree Wallace, Marnie Wooding, Jeanine Noyse - Music
  • Sat. May 14, 7pm - CONCERT: Jeanine Noyse and Roy Salmond
  • Wed. May 18, 2pm WHO AM I?: Steve Bynum, Patricia Clarke, Fern Gabriel, Shelby Wyminga, Jeanine Noyse – Music
  • Wed. May 18, 2pm MAKERS COLLECTIVE: Cheryl Bear, Ins Choi, Zack Running Coyote, Charles Demers, Duane Forrest, Shayna Jones, Phil Miguel, Betty Spackman,Tetsuro Shigematsu, Kaitlin Williams, Maki Yi
  • Fri. May 20, 7pm and Sat. May 21, 7pm - Interdisciplinary Artists: Closing Celebrations: Carolyn Arends; Susan McCaslin - poet; Suzanne Northcott - visual artist; Jeanine Noyes and Henry Heillig; Roy Salmond; Sarah Ronald - animation; Lincoln Tatem; Wild Blue Herons: Darlene Cooper and Bill Sample; Maki Yi - actor


Carolyn Arends - Seize the Day.

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