Friday, 11 February 2022

Church Times - Art review: ‘Jump Paintings’ and 'Back in the Air' by Lakwena

My latest review for Church Times is of ‘Jump Paintings’ and 'Back in the Air' by Lakwena Maciver:

'Lakwena says that she creates painted prayers and meditations, although her kaleidoscopic works, which zing and fizz with colour, life, and energy, are not what most would imagine by simply reading that phrase without having seen her work. The vibrancy of adornment in her work signifies value and glory, while her content is wholly future-orientated, looking for a future that is higher, deeper, fuller, sweeter, older, newer, bolder, brighter, and more glorious.

With the “Jump Paintings” and the Back in the Air installation, she brings us a glimpse of earthly paradise, inspiring us to seek and soar to higher ground by means of a higher power.'

For more on Lakwena, see my Artlyst interview here, a visual meditation here, my latest Diary piece for Artlyst, and an article about emerging religious artists here.

Other of my pieces for Church Times can be found here.


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