Thursday, 6 January 2022

On Taylor Swift's hymnlike lockdown song ‘Epiphany’

The New Year brings new opportunities, in this case new opportunities to write. I've just started writing on faith and music for deus ex musica, with my first piece being a reflection on Taylor Swift's hymnlike lockdown song 'Epiphany':

"In ‘Epiphany’ Swift shows us examples of being with others that are Christ-like in their nature. Whether soldier or medic, both sing ‘With you, I serve / With you, I fall down’. That is the essence of incarnate mission, of being with. The epiphany that soldier and medic seek is, on the one hand, ‘Just one single glimpse of relief’ and, on the other, ‘To make some sense of what you've seen’."

I have a second piece for deus ex musica appearing later this month reflecting on New Year through songs by Bob Dylan and Van Morrison. You'll note that these are posts exploring music and faith through the Church calendar.

I'm currently also sharing music for the Church calendar through HeartEdge together with Delvyn Case of deus ex musica. For over 50 years, pop musicians in all genres have explored the meaning and significance of Jesus in their music. The result is a rich collection of songs that consider important spiritual questions like faith, doubt, and prayer in unique and often provocative ways.

Delvyn and I are, in conversation, mining this rich resource to share rock and pop music for Lent (4 January), Easter (10 January) and Christmas (18 January). Click here to register for these sessions. 

Delvyn Case is a composer, conductor, scholar, performer, concert producer, and educator based in the Boston area who has set up Rock of Ages (, a website where he shares his research into Jesus and Popular songs.

More of my reflection on faith and music can be found in ‘The Secret Chord’ (, an impassioned study of the role of music in cultural life written through the prism of Christian belief.


Taylor Swift - Epiphany.

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