Saturday, 8 January 2022

humbler church Bigger God w/c 9 January 2022

Dear HeartEdge subscribers — Happy New Year! We're looking forward to welcoming you to an exciting new programme for 2022 and hope you will be able to join us, whether at online events or at our in-person events around the world. You can find all our events on our website — and if you're a HeartEdge partner, you can upload your own events through the members' area.

Last year, we launched Living God's Future Now, an online festival of theology and practice. We hosted workshops, webinars, spaces to gather and share ideas, lecture series, and more. This year, we're continuing our programming with a new theme — humbler church, Bigger God. We hope this reflects the lessons we've learnt from the past year: still trying to live God's future now, re-imagining our faith and our calling as a Church in a changing world. Thank you for joining us for the journey — we can't wait to see what the next year brings.


Jesus is Just Alright: Rocking the Church Calendar
Monday 10 January, 19:00-20:00 (GMT)
Register on Eventbrite here.

Join Jonathan Evens and composer Delvyn Case as they share their favourite pieces of pop and rock music for Christmas, Lent and Easter.


Sam and Sally's Sermon Preparation Workshop
Tuesday 11 January, 16:30-17:30 (GMT)
Livestreamed on the HeartEdge Facebook Page here.

Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner discuss the coming Sunday's readings and offer practical tips on preaching.


Community of Practitioners
Wednesday 12 January 16:00-17:00 (GMT)
Email Jonathan Evens here to take part.

This is a space for practitioners, lay and ordained, to reflect on theology and practice. Each week, we alternate between 'Wonderings' and discussion of a theology book. This week we will be using 'Wonderings' to reflect on the past week. If you would like to join in for the reading weeks, we are currently reading Wendell Berry's The Hidden Wound and our next book will be Sam Wells' Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics. Newcomers very welcome.


The Binding of Isaac According to the Elohist
Thursday 13 January, 15:00-16:00 (GMT)
Register here.
In a premiere of a new cantata by American composer Delvyn Case, this ecumenic​al event will explore the questions raised by the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22—what does God require of us? How do our scriptures guide our faith?—through the lens of music. Moderators include Delvyn Case, composer and hymn writer June Boyce Tillman, Rabbi Tzemah Yoreh and Revd Jonathan Evens.

Pioneer Practice with Jonny Baker and guests: Be You
Thursday 13 January, 20:00-21:00 (GMT)
Register here.
Our four-part webinar series on Pioneer Practice with Jonny Baker and guests kicks off this week. Each week, Jonny will be joined in conversation to explore on-the-ground practicalities of pioneer ministry. Come along if you’re thinking of starting a new congregation or initiative, want to brainstorm practical solutions to problems in pioneer ministry, or just want to learn more about pioneering.

Coming up soon

Churches Together in Westminster AGM:
Beyond Cop26 – What next? EcoChurch and other steps
Monday 17 January, 18:00-19:30

The CTiW 2022 AGM will take place online on Monday, 17th January at 6.30pm. Following the AGM there will be talks exploring how to make your church more environmentally-friendly following Cop26, including how to become an EcoChurch and how to get involved in Citizens UK Just Transition campaign. Register here.

HeartEdge & SMITF Theology Reading Group
Sunday 30 January, 19:00-20:00

Join Revd Dr Sam Wells for our termly theology reading group, hosted by HeartEdge in collaboration with St Martin-in-the-Fields. This term we are reading Herbert McCabe's God Matters. Register here.

Church History course with Ruth Gouldbourne
A thirteen-week course, beginning 24 January

This course provides an introduction to and an overview of church history. If we are to see a humbler church and a bigger God, we need to start with the history of the Church — how it became what it is and what it might be in the future. Join Ruth Gouldbourne, a Baptist minister and tutor at Bristol Baptist College, for a thirteen-week course in Church History, beginning with the patristic age. Register here.

Contemplation as a Gift to the Church: Humbler Church, Bigger God
A four-week series exploring different examples of how contemplation is a gift to the church, beginning 7 February

It can sometimes feel like the church is preoccupied with methods of church growth, discussing strategy, developing mission action plans, and resourcing leadership. During lockdowns, it has been fascinating to see the resurgence of contemplative prayer and contemplative practices as people sought new ways to deepen their roots in the Christian faith. This series will explore four contemplative communities that seek to anchor people in the roots of the Christian tradition with openness, humility and joy, beginning with a look at The Nazareth Community, established at St Martin-in-the-Fields in 2018. Register here for the first session with Richard Carter and Catherine Duce.

Catch up with missed sessions...

Why not catch up with the lectures, workshops and conversation you've missed in the last 14 months or so? If you head over to one of the following platforms you will find a wealth of resources that will inspire and equip for your work, whether you are ordained, lay, or simply enquiring.

Facebook | YouTube | St Martin's Digital


Rhiannon Giddens - Wayfaring Stranger.

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