Friday, 28 January 2022

humbler church Bigger God - w/c 30 January 2022

Welcome our exciting HeartEdge programme for 2022. We hope you will be able to join us, whether at online events or at our in-person events around the world. You can find all our events on our website — and if you're a HeartEdge partner, you can upload your own events through the members' area.

Last year, we launched Living God's Future Now, an online festival of theology and practice. We hosted workshops, webinars, spaces to gather and share ideas, lecture series, and more. This year, we're continuing our programming with a new theme — humbler church, Bigger God.

HeartEdge is fundamentally about a recognition of the activity of the Holy Spirit beyond and outside the church, and about a church that flourishes when it seeks to catch up with what the Spirit is already doing in the world. There was a time when church meant a group that believed it could control access to God – access that only happened in its language on its terms. But God is bigger than that, and the church needs to be humbler than that. Kingdom churches anticipate the way things are with God forever – a culture of creativity, mercy, discovery and grace – and are grateful for the ways God renews the church through those it has despised, rejected, or ignored.

We hope this reflects the lessons we've learnt from the past year: still trying to live God's future now, re-imagining our faith and our calling as a Church in a changing world. Thank you for joining us for the journey — we can't wait to see what the next year brings.


Theology Reading Group
30 January 2022, 19:00-20:00, Online. Click here to register.

Join Revd Dr Sam Wells for our termly theology reading group, hosted by HeartEdge in collaboration with St Martin-in-the-Fields. Sam will lead the discussion and ask participants to share their thoughts and reflections on the book.

This term, we've selected Herbert McCabe's God Matters, essays and sermons covering themes from the problem of evil to the incarnation, Eucharistic theology to class struggle and hunger strikes.


Sermon Preparation with Sally Hitchiner and Sam Wells

Join us for our weekly discussion of the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday with Sam Wells and Sally Hitchiner.

Monday 31 January 16:30 - 17:30 GMT (normally Tuesdays - please note the change for this week and next) live-streamed here.

Ableism and the Church: Disabled People and Marginalization

Monday 31 January, 15:00 ET /20:00 GMT, Zoom. Click here to register.

Ableism is discrimination and social prejudice which favours non-disabled people. In this conversation disabled ministers, academics and practitioners explore ableism and the church.

With: Rev. Tim Goode, Rector of St Margaret’s Lee and Disability Advisor to the Southwark Diocese; Fiona MacMillan, Chair of St Martin-in-the-Fields' Disability Advisory Group, Inclusive Church Trustee; Miriam Spies, University of Toronto; Sharon Becher, Independent Scholar; Lamar Hardwick, Tri-Cities Church and ‘Autism Pastor'; and Rev. Twila Smith, Partnership Canon for Mission Program, The Dioceses of WNY and NWPA.


Community of Practitioners workshop

Wednesday 2 February, 16:00-17.00 (GMT), Zoom. Email to register.

This is a space for practitioners, lay and ordained, to reflect on theology and practice. Each week, we alternate between 'Wonderings' and discussion of a theology book. This week we will be using 'Wonderings' to reflect on the past week.


Pioneer Practice with Jonny Baker and guests

Thursday 3 February, 20:00-21:00 (GMT), Zoom. Register here.

In our four-part webinar series, Jonny Baker will be joined each week in conversation with guests to explore on-the-ground practicalities of pioneer ministry. Come along if you’re thinking of starting a new congregation or initiative, want to brainstorm practical solutions to problems in pioneer ministry, or just want to learn more about pioneering.

Coming soon

Faith in the time of the 'new normal'

A series of Lenten conversations hosted by The Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education

This series aims to help congregations and house groups reflect on how Christians may understand the changes we’ve been through as a society, and the new ‘place’ we may be entering. It will draw on and introduce participants to resources from the tradition and offer them some tools for reflection to carry forward towards Easter.

During Lent, four sessions will take place at the Queen's chapel and will also be streamed live to groups gathered in person or online. Resources will be provided for the weeks where there are no hosted sessions.

Each live session will run 7-8:45pm and will include a 30-minute talk plus 50 minutes for reflection in groups.

Register here.


Bill Fay - Salt Of The Earth.

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