Sunday, 23 January 2022

Artlyst - Marvellous Icons

My latest article for Artlyst is a diary piece which begins with Irina Bradley's 'Metamorphosis' exhibition at the London Jesuit Centre and takes in secular icons, author's icons, After Icon, and celebrities as icons:

'Last year saw a First Biennale of Christ-centred Art held in Moscow with the blessing of His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk. The Biennale exhibited 150 works by 67 artists that created a dialogue between works of church art and contemporary artworks from a wide range of artists. One strand of the Biennale focused on ‘author’s icons,’ a term first proposed by the Russian art critic Irina Yazykova in 2015. Viktor Barashkov has explained that this term ‘points to the difference between the rendition of an icon by one master and another, which means that the icon can be made in a personal manner, a unique artistic style and can be based on the author’s own interpretation of the image.’

Among those exhibiting was Alexandr Tsypkov, who has recently been interviewed by Christian Century. Tsypkov is part of a group of artists called After Icon who, as Jason Byassee writes, beautify ‘abandoned buildings in Russia with ancient Christian images.’ The innovation of Tsypkov’s work, and that of his fellow artists in the After Icon project, is to create icons in ‘”secular” spaces—on rubble, trees, street corners, and the like, alongside fellow graffiti artists.’’

My other pieces for Artlyst are:

Interviews -
Articles -

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