Friday, 19 November 2021

We Have a Dream


'On Monday 15 November the Autumn Lecture Series at St Martin-in-the-Fields came to a close with an insightful and thought-provoking lecture by Sam Wells with a response from Liz Adekunle: A Dream for a New Social Order.

This year has been a wonderful series of lectures as we have dreamed together. When we conceived of the series we wanted to search for a vision of hope whilst not avoiding the reality of the struggle or the suffering. 'You can't dream again', said Robert Beckford, 'without recognising the nightmare'. In this lecture series, which has been intimate, engaged, challenging, and inspiring, I believe our speakers have done just that.

We gathered together those who had dreams and visions which inform and shape our future. We have dreamed with and for the Church with the Archbishop of York; we have dreamed with refugees and the journey towards safety, inclusion and belonging and the way their story is told; we have dreamed for racialised justice in the light of the murder of George Floyd in the US and the Black Lives Matter Movement and the continuing legacy, violence and evidence of present racism; we have dreamed for the planet in the run up to the crucial COP26 Global Summit in Glasgow; we have dreamed through imagination, and the power of theatre, drama and the arts to discover a deeper recognition of our humanity and we have dreamed of a new social order. It has been an exciting journey encompassing both death and resurrection.

All these lectures are now online and available to everyone free of charge as part of our St Martin's resources. You can find all these lectures on the St Martin's Digital website.

This is your chance to catch up with this lecture series if you missed it or to watch again. Thank you for all those who took part and all those who made donations to make this lecture series possible. Can I also thank the Education Committee and all those who helped with hospitality, stewarding, sound and technical support, and the team in St Martin's Shop and Cafe in the Crypt - who have made this series possible. And to you the audience both in person and online, thank you, keep watching and join us again next year.'

Revd Richard Carter


St Martin-in-the-Fields - Great Sacred Music.

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